Any good fpv flight controller to recommend?

Any flight controller to recommend for fpv? I need to have the telem ports gps and 5 i2c port?


5 I2C port?

Yes I need it for lidar avoidance.
Also anyone tried betafpv? I can’t seems to find any information about the company behind this brand?

I checked betafpv, the specifications they put out seems to be over the top good. But pretty suspicious when there is no information of the company, anyone tried it? Or any good fpv motor to recommend?

I2c is a bus network and each port can have many (like 128) slaves on different addresses.
No need for 5 ports

Just get matek h743 or cubes i guess

No you don’t. As Scott says I2C is a serial bus.
I have used Betafpv motors. Performance seems good.

FPV usually implies OSD also so look for a supported one that has an OSD chip. There are many from Matek or Holybro.

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speedybee f405v3 have been working good on my quadcopter

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