Announcing QGroundControl 3.2
We are happy to announce the release of QGroundControl 3.2. New versions are available for Windows, Linux, OSX, Android and iOS. QGroundControl provides full flight control and mission planning for any MAVLink enabled drone. It provides configuration for ArduPilot or PX4 Pro powered vehicles. Its primary goal is ease of use for first time and professional users.
You can install QGroundControl 3.2 from here.
Tip More detailed release notes for version 3.2 can be found here.
This section contains a high level and non-exhaustive list of new features added to QGroundControl in version 3.2.
- File Save path - Specify a save path for all files used by QGC.
- Telemetry log auto-save - Telemetry logs are now automatically saved without prompting.
- AutoLoad Plans - Used to automatically load a Plan onto a vehicle when it first connects.
- RTK GPS - Specify the Survey in accuracy and Minimum observation duration.
- ArduPilot only
- Pre-Flight Barometer and Airspeed calibration - Now supported
- Copy RC Trims - Now supported
- ArduPilot only
Plan View
- Plan files - Missions are now saved as .plan files which include the mission, geo-fence and rally points.
- Plan Toolbar - New toolbar which shows you mission statistics and Upload button.
- Mission Start - Allows you to specify values such as flight speed and camera settings to start the mission with.
- New Waypoint features - Adjust heading and flight speed for each waypoint as well as camera settings.
- Visual Gimbal direction - Gimbal direction is shown on waypoint indicators.
- Pattern tool - Allows you to add complex patterns to a mission.
- Fixed Wing Landing (new)
- Survey (many new features)
- Fixed Wing Landing Pattern - Adds a landing pattern for fixed wings to your mission.
- Survey - New features
- Take Images in Turnarounds - Specify whether to take images through entire survey or just within each transect segment.
- Hover and Capture - Stop vehicle at each image location and take photo.
- Refly at 90 degree offset - Add additional pattern at 90 degree offset to original so get better image coverage.
- Entry location - Specify entry point for survey.
- Polygon editing - Simple on screen mechanism to drag, resize, add/remove points. Much better touch support.
Fly View
- Arm/Disarm - Available from toolbar.
- Guided Actions - New action toolbar on the left. Supports:
- Takeoff
- Land
- Pause
- Start Mission
- Resume Mission - after battery change
- Change Altitude
- Land Abort
- Set Waypoint
- Goto Location
- Remove mission after vehicle lands - Prompt to remove mission from vehicle after landing.
- Flight Time - Flight time is shown in instrument panel.
- Multi-Vehicle View - Better control of multiple vehicles.
Analyze View - New
- Log Download - Moved to Analyze view from menu
- Mavlink Console - NSH shell access
Support for third-party customized QGroundControl
- Standard QGC supports multiple firmware types and multiple vehicle types. There is now support in QGC which allows a third-party to create their own custom version of QGC which is targeted specifically to their custom vehicle. They can then release their own version of QGC with their vehicle.