Running ArduPlane master, FC is connected to an ESP-01 WIFI on Serial1, Mav2, 921600 baud
I can connect from my Windows PC running MP or QGC…
I can connect from my Linux PC running QGC…
but QGC on my Android Phone will not connect…it will connect if I substitute a Bluetooth dongle on the Serial Port with appropriate change in baud rate and setup a BT connection, but will not autoconnect over UDP via WIFI…the box for autoconnect is checked…
appears to be waiting for internet to download tiles, but there is no internet of course…have tried checking/unchecking the “check for internet” setup item…
Can you put this in an Issue? There have be a few reports of possible issues with newer versions of Android OS. Possibly something to do with a WiFi connection with no internet or something like that. But I haven’t had anyone with a consistent repo to be able to track it down.
Sure, Don…thanks…let me know if I can do anything to help resolve it…if there is a special debug version you want to try to gather info…