Am I stuck with 115200 baud rate?

8/4/2021 3:34:09 PM : ChibiOS: d4fce84e
8/4/2021 3:34:09 PM : ArduCopter V4.0.7 (0bb18a15)
8/4/2021 3:34:09 PM : Frame: QUAD
8/4/2021 3:34:09 PM : RCOut: PWM:1-12
8/4/2021 3:34:09 PM : CubeOrange 00450025 30305114 35333339

I have a Cube Orage and I was wondering what is the maximum baud rate I can use when I connect a GroundControl Software to it using USB and the maximum baud rate for Telem ports used with MAVLINK Protocol v2.

Thank you.

On USB I do not know the limit. But on the telem ports you can go at least up to 1500000 baud.