Altitude of Landing point is weird

→ flight log

Hi, I tried to Automatic Landing using Fixed wing plane and mission planner’s PLAN.

I made 7 waypoints, Last waypoint is Land, 6th waypoint gonna start landing right?

Every point’s altitude has been set ‘Relative’, Home alt was 8m, and I set altitude 6th is 35m, Landing point is 0m

But when my plane goes to 6th, it try to go 35m of GPS altitude
after pass the 35m of 6th WP, it start the landing sequence but try to go to alt 11m of GPS Alt.

I get the GPS altitude of Landing point, It was 8m. and Im sure it may correct. because I used RTK.

WHY My plane goes to 11m altitude when it’s landing? even I set Landing point’s alt 0m, and It’s GPS Altitude is 8m?

Plane version is 4.1.6

Because of this problem, I tried manual land, Crashed LOL

Watch this series of video to learn how way points work and how you can safely land a fixed wing ( Part 1of 3). Best video out there. fyi, you have to drop the altitude slowly before landing.

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I fixed this problem.

I set TECS_APPR_MAX to 1.7 then TECS controller make different goal for altitude.