Hello Guys recently flown a drone with hobbywing x6 plus motor with pixhawk 2.4.8 in stabilize mode no problem but in altitude hold here is sudden increase & decrease in altitude & i havent used External GPS with compass so that maybe the reason but i am not sure so please give me the solutions, Thanks in advance
Possibly unrelated, but I see an extreme number of XT connectors to cause voltage drops plus bunches of other wires all asking to enhance vibrations and reduce reliability.
In that log you’ve got an old firmware version and many defaults, plus you are flying in Stabilise mode which will be very hard to control until some tuning is done.
You should definitely upgrade to latest stable firmware, probably reset all to defaults and start over too.
Use the Methodic Configurator so you dont miss anything.
You will definitely benefit from an external GPS and compass.
Thank You for the reply Today i attached external compass + GPS & internal compass disabled. In stabilize mode no problem but in altitude or loiter mode rapidly height changing, anyway today i will perform methodic configurator but apart from this do anything i have to do ?