Alternative Gimbal Stabilization and Control Methods

Hello everyone,

I’ve been working with these Gimbal motors to create a Gimbal setup. From what I understand, a gimbal controller is typically used for this purpose. However, I’m curious if there are alternative ways to achieve this with the Pixhawk 6C. These motors don’t operate on PWM, so I’m wondering if there’s a converter or another method to connect them to the Pixhawk 6C. Is it possible to integrate them with a Raspberry Pi for control?

I’m simply exploring different options to get my gimbal up and running. Thank in Advance! Really looking forward for your views and suggestions.

you need a gimbal controller for those motors, ardupilot can only operate servo gimbals without a controller.

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You need a gimbal controller, you cant drive motors from a pi.

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I would recomend Storm32 gimbal for DIY. I use the same motors as you do.