Could someone please tell me which sensors alt-hold uses that is different to loiter (aside from GPS) to help me troubleshoot why my loiter is rock solid but alt-hold is a mess.
My baro looks like it is working great compared to the gps alt & my accZ is within range (but only just).
Baro actually seems to be working fine, but accel Z is not good, way too much vibration in the Z-axis.
Inadequate vibration damping or something hitting the flight controller.
Interesting because X and Y look fine at plus and minus one which on the log scale equals approximately one tenth G, but the vertical Z axis is definitely not OK at plus and minus five which equals one half G.
And that can screw up all the modes that use Alt Hold.
Looking at your log I am pretty sure that what you need to fix is the Z axis vibration and get it down to less than + and - 2 on our log scale.
Gary thank you again for taking the time to help me out
edit: I’m using moon gel and a rubber band to hold it down. Maybe that is making my accZ bad. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to secure the APM down when sitting on moon gel ?