Hello there,
Once again I was very close to crash my Vtol plane due to AP switched to RTL while it was in Q_loiter at very low altitude.
Please check attached log and setting file.
I hope there is a parameter to set but I’m unable to find it otherwise we need to have a parameter to setup the minimum altitude in which the system is allowed to switch from -previous mode- into RTL with conversion.
Hawk VTOL AP4.2.1 15-07-2022.param (20.6 KB)
Log file : 15-07-2022 - Google Drive
no one has found the same issue?? how do you cover this case?
(Vishvesh kakkeri)
July 22, 2022, 8:48am
this has been reported a couple of times but currently no proper fix
Hello all,
i have been working on my Quadplane for sometime now on the arduplane 4.1.5 stable and has been flying pretty well.
Recently i have come across a peculiar problem that i believed was resolved on arduplane 4.1 but was encountered on my recent flight.
After completion of the mission of around 90mins i initiated an RTL, the quadplane completed the whole land sequence and transitioned into the wind. On transition as the current consumption increased and the voltage sagged the autopilot…
The devs don’t consider this to be an issue. The workaround is Q_RTL_MODE = 1, but it comes with drawbacks.
The workaround seems to be to set Q_RTL_MODE = 1, but that prevents you from using RTL as a holding pattern and doesn’t help if you are attempting to land or fly as a quad away from the home location.
This has been discussed, but the devs don’t seem to see it as an issue
September 9, 2022, 6:10pm
I would love to hear explanation why this is NOT a safety issue.
Currently battery failsafe is completely unusable and dangerous for vtol operators.
I’m glad that I’m not the only one sharing concerns about
It’s definitely a safety issue and appears to be unmitigated with the default parameters (Q_RTL_MODE = 0 by default). This is the best explanation I got: Quadplane: Battery Failsafe in Q modes causes transition to fixed-wing RTL. · Issue #17617 · ArduPilot/ardupilot · GitHub
The workaround of Q_RTL_MODE = 1 works, but only if you only operate in VTOL modes within the the radius that QRTL uses. Maybe rally points would be a suitable workaround for VTOL operation away from the home location?
Other discussions of this issue:
no one has featured the same issue?
EDIT: This seems to be expected and accepted behavior with Q_RTL_MODE=0, but that does sound like a bug with Q_RTL_MODE=2 as you have it.
Quadplanes variety of modes significantly complicates the desired failsafe behavior, but it seems like most of people’s issues would be solved by a bit that has the failsafes trigger QLAND instead of RTL if the mode is a quad mode. That would only be an issue for people who fly in quad mode in an area where they can’t emergency land.
I don’t think so, it looks like it still requires
Q_RTL_MODE=3 (approach)