All my email notifications have stopped

I am wondering if anyone would have an idea as to why all my email notifications have stopped?

I have just been through all my Preferences to be sure everything is turned on and even added a couple more categories.
Nothing happens, and I did save Preferences, and reloaded and checked.

The only thing I have changed my end is I am now running MacOSX 10.13b
And I have been using Firefox in preference to Safari.

But I don’t see how that would affect the board sending emails.


Hasn’t anyone noticed that the email notification from the Forum have stopped over a week ago.

I am checking traffic this morning and there virtually is none.


Yet I don’t see anyone commenting on this.
Has the Forum broken down or has it been abandoned?

Your user configuration looks correct.

I just sent you a test message. Please let me know if you receive it or if you do not

No, that did not come through.
Had to reload the web page to see your message.

I am still getting GitHub and Gitter notifications but nothing from the Forum.
As I usually get up to 100 a day it was very noticeable when they stopped.

Your message was in my messages folder on the web page but no email notification.

I am experiencing the same thing. No email notifications. Also the indicators of new private messages and posts you are following in the upper right corner by your user icon is not working.

I have just checked with the Dev’s and admins and there is a major email server upgrade going on.

The issue should be fixed in the next day or so.

We are working and moving servers to new platform so systems are unstable for few days. Bear with me. Trying to get them up and moves as fast as we can :slight_smile:

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