Alexmos board - mavlink connection

I am using ;
Pixhawk cube 2.1 , Arducopter 4.1.3 , SBGC 32 bit v3. ( 2 IMU ) .
Everything is ok but i get " EXTERNAL IMU : NOT CONNECTED " error. Somebody help me ?

Did you set SR2_EXTRA1 to 10 and SR2_POSITION to 10 like described in the documentation?

I set SR2_EXTRA1 to 20 and SR2_POSITION to 5 . I tried 10 /10 but never change .

I tried Telm1 and Telm2 port but it doesn,t work.

Cross TX with RX connection?

I’ve tried. Connection speed slowed but connected. It still didn’t work.

Cross TX with RX connection…

Maybe post in the alexmos forum?

I fixed it with UART2 connection.

Can you take screenshots of the connection? faced the same problem