Airspeed setting in Fbwb

I 've been flying a big quadplane with some success and trying to obtain the flying properties I like before moving to auto.One “trouble” is setting the airspeed in fbwb.
The documentation in tuning cruise configuration shows that:
When using an airspeed sensor, the autopilot will use throttle position to set the target airspeed as a linear interpolation between AIRSPEED_MAX and AIRSPEED_MIN. And pitch will be adjusted for constant altitude flight.

In the automatic throttle controlled modes, AIRSPEED_CRUISE is used for the target airspeed if an airspeed sensor is being used, while TRIM_THROTTLE will be set for the average throttle value if no sensor is used. In AUTO and GUIDED modes, the THROTTLE_NUDGE option allows the pilot to tweak these values while in flight with the throttle, if desired, in these modes.

It seems that two different airspeed "coexist " at mid throttle ,the one set by AIRSPEED_CRUISE and the one set by the mid value between AIRSPEED_MIN and AIRSPEED_MAX.My plane uses the second looking at the log.
Do you find confussing which is used when?
Thanks for looking at it.