Aircraft Appears Underground on Ardupilot + FlightGear

I’m using a combination of Ardupilot (JSBSim) and FlightGear. The model utilized is Rascal110-JSBSim.
Upon launch, the aircraft appears underground with an altitude of -585.5.
What could this be attributed to?
One assumption is that different coordinate systems are being used - Ardupilot indicates altitude above ground, while FlightGear, upon receiving this data, positions it relative to sea level.

Perhaps someone has encountered a similar issue before; it would be interesting to delve into this further.

Once turned on the Ardupilot, the coordinates are synchronized and the plane ends up underground again. I still can’t say for sure why this is happening, why the different coordinate systems(?).

can you tell me exactly what version of JSBSim, FlightGear and ArduPilot you are using?

FlightGear version: 2020.3.13
Ardupilot from the main branch
JSBSim Version: compiled from FlightGear 2020.4.0 (Automatically installed when you run apt-get install flightgear)

For communication between Ardupilot & FlightGear, I have added the following string to /aircraft/Rascal/Rascal.xml

<output name="localhost" type="FLIGHTGEAR" port="5503" protocol="udp" rate="30"/>

FlightGear: ./Tools/autotest/
Ardupilot: -v ArduPlane -f jsbsim:Rascal --console --map

Case: As soon as Ardupilot is loaded and the aircraft reaches the take-off point (FlightGear was launched earlier), the coordinates are synchronized, revealing that the aircraft’s altitude is -585 feet in FlightGear.

It looks like my height is currently relative to ground level. Can I change the coordinate system relative to sea level?
Ardupilot Altitude AGL = 0, FlightGear AGL = -585 (airport)