AeroScout TiltTriCopter VTOL Conversion

thanks to an RCG post by @Krazyman , I was reminded that I had been doing TVBS conversions for so long where having the prop disk shadowed by the wing is irrelevant, in a tilt tri it is critical…so I printed an extension to move the prop disk out from the wing shadow…immense change…now hovers at 25A instead of 45A with a hover throttle of 21% instead of 55%…also allowed me to move the rear motor back (it should be 2x the distance from CG that the front motors are,

to have all motors producing the same hover thrust) which allowed me to ditch a 1oz tail weight to get CG…I had started from my TBVS mounts and forgot about wing shadowing…tip of the hat to James for reminding me

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@hwurzburg I’m just recently becoming interested in TVBS aircraft and I have an older Aeroscout that I need to repair a bit. I was thinking about converting it to a TVBS for fun instead of a tri. Do you think that the 3D printed parts you designed here could also work well for that purpose?

no you need a slight variant to allow the tilt to be equal up and down around straight forward…instead of forward to -1deg deg backward…will post a link tomorrow night…

Oh okay - thank you for the help. I appreciate it!

Sorry, took me a bit longer to get to posting:

Thank you, @hwurzburg I appreciate it!