I was flying a bit high and lost orientation of my quad. The sun was reflecting off something shiny and I couldn’t see.
So I switched on return home mode to let the quad come home. All of a sudden the quad was rocking back and forth on the pitch axis then it started to yawing back and forth and wobble. I knew I was in trouble. Then it went into a flip. So I figured oh no I have to hike in the woods to try and find this thing. I want the camera at least.
I did not panic, I flipped the switch back to “stabilized” mode. The quad is still doing all sorts of gyration and I cannot tell what it is really doing. I can hear the motors making all kinds of noise. Seems like different motors are revving up at different time. I figured what the hell I can’t do anything now so I lowered the throttle and advanced it back slowly without really stopping on low throttle for too long. I hope that reset or reduce the wobble. Then I heard a squeal from one of the motors. The quad is still falling fast but it seems to be coming straight down, right side up and flat. Then there was a smoke trail at least 10 feet long and very visible going straight up while the quad is falling straight down. So I dropped the throttle stick a bit more and advanced again. Lo and behold after a bit of yaw wagging the darn thing actually stopped falling and leveled off.
Luckily the darn thing actually came back to me and I landed it.
I also found the log files for all my flights. I don’t know how to interpret them. Can you help?
After some discussion with a friend it seems like it may all started with some intermittent short from one motor.