I’m working to use a ADIS16448 IMU with the Ocpoc-Zynq using Ardupilot as the flight stack. I can’t find any mention for the ADIS16448 in the Ardupilot source code, but the PX4 flight stack does have its own set of drivers. Is there a way to use these drivers in Ardupilot? The development site has instructions on making my own sensor drivers, but I’d rather not duplicate the effort if I don’t need to.
I’ve got the OcPoc_Zynq. It does use a MPU9250, but I’d like to get the ADIS16448 working since we’ve got one on hand. I’m not sure how to map the registers though. I’ve never built a driver, and the system uses burst read functionality, which seems different from the other IMU’s already included in ardupilot.