ADS-B PingRx with Arduplane. Where are we at?

Thanks Tom!
Not sure why I could only find references on the Copter sections – maybe I was relying on Google (I am sure I was and only Copter came up).

In any event, this looks like it could be useful in my scenario. With RAM limitations I am thinking that Navio2 would be a good choice of FC to use with PingRX as it has a lot more RAM than some of my other PX4-class FCs.

It works fine on pixhawk

Thx Tom.
However I am still warry of a product whos manufacturer/seller ignores potential customers emails.
Also I did see the plane wiki before. However there is no detail about the types of avoidance possible with plane. Just says “under developmemt” for past 3 years.

PS Tom. Please please find some time to revisit the auto landing issue that we discused a long time ago.

Hi Tom,
I have a pingRX together with Arduplane and it used to work last year (well, I have never tested collision avoidance but I could see the traffic around me).
But for some reason, I don’t see the ADSB traffic (green plane icons) anymore on the map in Mission Planner (v1.3.55) after upgrading a few weeks ago. When I analyze the logs I can see the MAVLink packets of type F6 “mavlink_adsb_vehicle_t” coming from the pingRX on the plane. I am sure the pingRX works but for some reason the traffic doesn’t show on the map.

Do I have to check the tick box “ADSB” under config/tuning–>planner in MP to show traffic from pingRX? When I enable this option using an arbitrary IP address and port it shows traffic around my home location even if I am not connected to the Arduplane. I assume this information is taken from FlightRadar24 or similar source.

I have also emailed to uAvionix but no answer so far.

Can anybody help me to get the pingRX running again?

I am not sure how to fix your problem, but I am sure 1.3.55 just came out 4 days ago, so could not have been “few weeks” as you say.
However you might wanna try some older version, to see it that helps. As in roll back. That way you would be sure if it is something broken in MP or not.

Thanks for the hint! I’ve quickly checked previous versions of MP, and it works well up to v1.3.52.
1.3.53 and the latest 1.3.55 do not show the traffic anymore. Looks like a bug unless there is a hidden option to enable it somehow.

Regarding the ADSB checkbox, it doesn’t have to be enabled for pingRX to work. It seems that this option only imports traffic from external sources such as dump1090.
See here

@Michael_Oborne is there a regression in adsb? Maybe there’s just an option in the menus to turn it on and off now?

As Manuel stated already - I have the same problem with ADSB on MP 1.3.53 and 1.3.55. MP 1.3.52 works perfect!
Thanks for the hint Manuel!


I finally bit the bullet and got one of these. It is plug and play alright, but seems very counter intuitive without the (detected) plane that are in the radius not showing a relative (to base) altitude over their icons.
Most aircrafts are too high to matter. It would be nice to someone (even if just mouse over) show what AGL the aircraft is at. That is when not using auto evade feature, which I am unsure of yet, how it performs in plane as it cannot just change altitude without going in a certain direction.
So would be nice for it to be similar to flightradar with AGL of the aircraft showing up on their icons.
Is this a possibility?
Most aircraft are at 10000m, so do not matter, we are just interested in ones 500m or lower. However not all of them are danger, so we cannot just set “warn” for everything at 500m. However if we can see something coming at a the preset parameters, then looking (manually) at the vector and AGL, we can decide if to look out for it or not. Like when it is miles aways we can decide to stay at 200m and not bother with any avoidance algorithms.

I would want two parameters that define the elevation above me and below me that define the vertical envelope of display awareness, and the vertical envelope of avoidance response. For example, only show me other aircraft that are within 2000 feet above or below my current altitude, and avoid any aircraft that are within 500 feet vertically of my current position. Any aircraft greater than 2000 feet above or below me is displayed differently, smaller, or not at all.

There are two components to this: What the aircraft sees and what the GCS UI chooses to display. Sounds like you’re just wanting more UI stuff. The ADSB_* params are in the aircraft and can filter out by radius. There’s no altitude option but it only takes a minute to add that (which I just did).

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Great work Tom, thank you.
Now all eyes on @Michael_Oborne :slight_smile:

with the ADSB_LIST_* params doing some filtering, the aircraft will ignore aircraft outside of the ranges so Mission Planner will never know about those aircraft.

Yes, I get that part. I mean would still be nice to see AGL on planes that are within the filtering. just to have idea.

Thanks Tom! Looking forward to trying your code out.


I have a ping2020 W/GPS and Baro PingNav and I have not been able to get airtraffic to show up on MP, I have it on telem2 and it shows up on messages when I connect to MP with call sign & ICAO info, but also there are alot of configurable options in the full parameter list that I do not know the necessary parameters. also all current firmware ArduCopter 3.6.5 & MP 1.3.62
ADSB_LIST_RADIUS 800 or 1000 or 10000

and I built my telem2 cable as 5v to 5v, Gnd to Gnd, tx to rx, rx to tx.

Please help me make this work, I have tried for days now. Please help me fill in the blanks.

Just updated to ArduCopter 3.6.5 and all ADSB related config is gone. I cannot see nor set ADSB_ENABLE=1 using MP (1.3.62). This used to work with the previous version 3.5.7 of ArduCopter, and it also works with the latest ArduPlane 3.9.5.
Any ideas what happened with ADSB in AC 3.6.5?

All aircraft in the US do not have to have ADS-B out in 2020. Same as Mode-C transponders now. Only if you fly in controlled airspace defined under 14CFR Part 91.225 will you need ADS-B with a manned aircraft.

That makes ADS-B pretty much useless for manned aircraft avoidance with UAV’s. The sole purpose of ADS-B is as the next gen system replacing current terminal radar in Class Bravo, Charlie and Echo airspace. UAV’s fly in Class G airspace (unless with special authorization from ATC).

That doesn’t mean many GA pilots who fly for recreation won’t install it. But it does mean that the aircraft you are mostly likely to encounter flying a UAV won’t have it.

Thanks for the clarification. Where I fly they almost certainly will have them. I agree though it is pretty pointless to install them in many places.

Yeah, I think the UAV industry might try to hail it as the Best Thing Since Sliced Bread because they do automatic avoidance of manned aircraft. In reality, in Class Echo airspace it is not required for manned aircraft to have one below 10,000 MSL.

So at least in the US it’s not going to work for avoidance of manned aircraft. You can have everything from ag applicators flying at 140kts, to ultralights, to Sport class airplanes, to emergency services and military flying VR routes below 400AGL. And none of those aircraft will likely be equipped with ADS-B out. And it’s up to the UAV pilot to stay out of their way. Which means it’s all see and avoid, VFR, VLOS. If people have some mistaken idea that the FAA is going let it turn into a free-for-all with BVLOS blanket certificate of waiver because a UAV has ADS-B with auto-avoidance - sorry, not gonna happen. I’ve been working directly with the FAA for 35 years as a commercial pilot and I can tell you the FAA has totally different ideas of how it’s gonna work than the UAV industry has.