Adding custom elevation data to MissionPlaner?

Hello everyone,

I recently found out for MissionPlanner which looks like really good and useful solution for flight planning.
However, while I was using it I couldn’t find way to import my custom elevation data in it. I could only change imagery layers.
I would like to know is there any way I could import my custom elevation data (DEM) or it’s currently not possible?

I really tried to look around about this topic but I couldn’t find anything helpful, sorry if I didn’t look on right places and if somebody already asked this.


Kind regards

not currently possible,

what data format did you have your data in?

I have DEM files in GeoTIFF format (2m resolution) .

What is the resolution of the elevation that is used by the software? Are there any plans to add this feature in future or it’s not so easy to implement?

I would also like to know if there has been any progress in supporting custom terrain data.
This issue is still open on Github:

Issue has been re-submitted here: