I need to make it so that the drone, flashed with the firmware ardupilot, can work with “Peers” as a local navigation system.
Tried to find anything useful looking in the Learning the code section on ardupilot.org, looked through AP_GPS_NMEA.cpp and AP_Beacon.cpp in repo, haven’t understood much yet.
Never dealt with a drones in my life, especially as a developer, though I studied c++ a bit.
Here’s the information about “Peers” LNS and its data format:
Local navigation system “Peers” based on IEEE 802.15.4-2011/2015/2020z and consist of beacons and marker. Marker has UART interface, connection settings: speed - 115200, data - 8 bits, parity - none, stop bits - 1bit, flow controle - none.
Sentence example:
SOLVE: x = 0.3 | y = -4.655 | z = 1.0 | xf = 1.215 | yf = -1.15 | zf = 1.0 | sq = 87 | anc_num = 3 | rx_master_timestamp = 0.855660 | valid_data = 1
x, y, z - raw calculated coordinates in meters;
xf, yf, zf - filtred coordinate estimates in meters (less noise and greater inertia);
sq - parcel number;
anc_num - number of beacons (anchors) used;
rx_master_timestamp - timestamp;
Would like to know if it’s even possible to use this system for local navigation by adding code to ardupilot firmware and what should I learn about ardupilot codebase and drone navigation systems in order to write the code. Any code examples related to this topic or edit ardupilot firmware in general would be fantastic. Thank you for your attention and help.
P.S. I’m in touch with the “Peers” staff in case there’s anything I need to clarify about their system. Their webpage https://peers.technology/
P.S. I apologize for my english just in case))