I was going to ask that altitude hold get added to drift mode, but then I’ve seen folks ask for coordinated turns in other flight modes besides drift. So maybe the better idea is create a coordinated turn option for any/most flight mode(s)?
For me personally, I’d like POS HLD to have the ability to make coordinated turns. But just adding attitude hold would be great.
Drift mode is good - especially when using FPV (for me anyway). Throttle is like alt hold (Loiter really) and pitch/roll translates to direction and speed. So a bit of pitch and roll produces something close to a coordinated turn. No rudder required.
Search in Youtube for drift mode arducopter, thee’s a few videos
I use to fly Drift all the time but I don’t recall it having any alt hold function in it. More throttle up, less down. Works great but it didn’t loiter when you stopped. At least not that I recall. Been a while.
Hey Shawn. Ya I use to fly it all the time. I liked the coordinated turns…I guess I was being lazy. I stopped because it didn’t hold altitude and when you stopped it drifted. I had read once about a potential hybrid version but I never saw it. Normally I fly in Poshold. I just like the loiter when I stop ability. But if it banked in a turn like drift mode, it would be an interesting method.
Rain here so I have had no chance to get that big bird out to test with the ESC changes. Will let you know the results if it ever stops. I am collecting items to build an ark