Hello developers, thank you for your work on ardupilot and providing such a vast open-source resource for the users. I have been using arducopter for quite a while and was using them with bigger (10 inch +) drones until now, However due to availability of smaller form factor FC and AIO that natively support arducopter, I am more inclined towards making smaller UAVs with prop size 3 inch fly using arducopter and achieve some basic functionality that a DJI avata provides or a mini provides, I am using a MicoAir H743 AIO with arducopter 4.5.7 and along with I use MicoAir M10 gps with QMC5883, RM3100 over I2C, MTF-01 flow sensor and Skydroid H12 ground station all paired to a 3.5 Inch Cinewhoop frame, battery being used is a 4200mAh li-ion battery. After completing all the stepwise calibration, upping the loop rate to 1000 and using Quicktune and FFT based harmonic notch filter, the stability and feel of the drone feels perfect and it flies great.
However, it is not able to hold accurate position in loiter mode weather using flow or gps, It will drift around in a radius of 30-40 cm while keeping the same co-ordinate locked with 25+ satellites, yaw is perfect, roll, pitch is good, but it just keeps moving around the same point.
Now comparing this with a DJI mini 2, it also has the same peripherals as the setup I use, flow sensor, M9 gps, and a rangefinder, but using these same set of positioning and velocity peripherals and not using stereoscopic visual odometery, it has a better lock on position even in slightly windy environments, How are they achieving this, and what should I change or do for getting the same position stability as a normal DJI drone, even tello hold better position that the setup I use. Will be sharing log files according to your suggestions soon, @andyp1per @rmackay9