Hello everyone,
I am using a wifi pineapple to capture wifi signal strengths on a quadcopter using Pixhawk. I have no way to connect Wifi Pineapple to Pixhawk for Pixhawk to be able to receive data from Wifi Pineapple and the quad to navigate to the location of the strongest wifi signal. I have read many of the documentation on this website, and I did not find anything about using wifi Pineapple and Pixhawk.
What I thought was to run Wifi Pineapple and Mavlink(Qgroundcontrol) on the same computer. I would be accessing Wifi Pineapple from a laptop as a ground station via SSH. At the same time, the strongest wifi signal data I get to receive from Wifi Pineapple would be saved, let’s say on an array. Then, I would be accessing Mavlink via SSH as well sending the data stored in the array from Wifi Pineapple. Then, I could guide the quad to the location where the strongest wifi signal is coming. My initial intent is to be able to do all these in an autonomous mode. I can write a python code to do what I described above.
But I am not quite sure if it is possible. I am under time constraint to try to figure this out, and in the end to find out it does not work. Also, I can achieved this same project using Raspberry pie, but I have to use wifi Pineapple; and I have the wifi Pineapple already configured to capture the wifi signal strengths.
I definitely appreciate any guide/suggestions about this project I am working on