Accelerometer erratic in 1 seconds intervals

I have a large X8 that I have encountered very concerning accelerometer behaviour. There is a consistant erractic reading from all the accelerometers that occurs every 2 seconds pushing the reading well outside of ideal ranges. Below is a picture of just one of the accelerometers X, Y, and Z readings. It is fine for 1 second then goes erratic for a second to return to normal in another second.

All 3 IMUs have the same readings.

One thing that has been a constant battle with this aircraft is vibrations, but I would expect the accelerometer to have a constant issue if it is the cause, not the on off behaviour that has been occuring.

If anyone could shed some light on the possible cause of this it would be appreciated. I am wondering if the flight controller has suffered damage from the high vibrations. It is an orange cube on a standard carrier board. The FC is mounted on a vibration issolation mount.

I have attempted to upload the log file but it keeps failing.

Of course it did. Post a link to the log hosted on a file storage site.

Log below.

I didn’t find the phenomenon you described. Can you tell me your mission planner version?

There is a very bad vibration, but luckily there is no overload, but I think if the vibration is not improved, an accident caused by overload will happen soon.

If you look at the ACC values it is all over.