Acceleration sensor calibration does not work


just got my Pixhawk Lite yesterday and tried to calibrate the acceleration sensors. It gets stucked after calibrating on left hand side for plane. I also tried to download heli and multi-copter firmware, there I could successfully calibrate the acceleration sensors. Back to plane it get stucked again… no error message. Tried it several times.

Any Idea? Is it a software/firmware issue or hardware issue?

Thanks in advance!


I am a step further now. At first I tried to use my Windows 10 PC instead of the old XP machine to calibrate the sensors. There the first time it worked but then 3 times failed (stucked at the end like nose down). In fact also with XP it happened once that I could get until right side down. Windows 10 reacts a little faster and I had to wait only ~10 instead of ~20s between the steps.

Then I used the Win 10 machine to download a previous plane version (3.4 instead of 3.5) and that worked!!! I could calibrate under Win 10 as well as XP and time between the steps only ~2s.

I assume that this is a compatibility issue of the 3.5 plane firmware and the Pixhawk lite. Shall I submit this issue somewhere or is it submitted by this post?