AC3.2.1 - Crash because of jump in TimeMS?


i’m using a Hexacopter (DJI F550 Standardsetup of Motor/BEC) with APM 2.6 and 3DR ublox GPS.
About one year the AC3.1.5 without crash, and then for 1-2 month the AC3.2.
Yesterday i updated to AC3.2.1 and the first flight end with a crash after about 4 minutes of flight.
There was some problems with GPS fixes and drops of HDOP and NSats and the copter gives himself the command to mode 9 (land). So i switched to stabilize-mode to fly manually.

after a short time of manuelly flying the copter turned in a heigh from maybe 15 meters upside down, motors go down and it crashed to the green.

the hexa get some minor damages. after getting home i did a test, and the powersupply works fine.
i can arm the copter and the motors spins correctly and responds to the input from my transceiver throttle stick. so the copter seems fine and work correct.

i start to analyse the logfile but couldn’t find anything which caused the copter to crash.
Only thing i find at index 5111 (using the APM Planner Graph) is a TimeMS jump from 184894 to 350018.
From there its only 900 milliseconds to the end of the log and the crash.
i think in the same area (near index 5111) i see a drop in RelAlt and the upside down turn in ATT Pitch and Roll.

Please have a look on the logfile.
Is there maybe a bug in AC3.2.1 used with APM 2.6 which can cause a crash when the TimeMS has a jump?

Or can you find anything else on the logfile which can have lead to the crash ?

Many thanks for your help…
Andreas P.

It is such a similar case with mine. I also flew perfectly with v3.1.5 for quite long time. Rolled back to v3.1.5 already.