AC 4.4.1 with Matek F405-STD. Replace FrSky XSR RX with ELRS RX. Confusing wiring and setup

The Matek F405-STD is listed as ‘Discontinued Board’ in the docs. But the F405 did work quite well with AC 4.4.1. May aim is now to replace the XSR RX (SBUS) with an ELRS RX.

CRSF/ELRS require RX2/TX2 pads, which the board provides but the AP docs are puzzling me a bit.

‘BRD_ALT_CONFIG’ to “1” so it becomes the SERIAL7 port’s RX input pin.

With this option, ‘SERIAL7_PROTOCOL’ must be set to “23”

But after setting ‘BRD_ALT_CONFIG’ to “1” I don’t see a SERIAL7 port showing up in the parameter list??

I think its a bug in the wiki, should read “SERIAL5”.

FYI @hwurzburg

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It still works perfectly fine with the latest Ardupilot version (and you should update), just keep in mind that:

a) due to limited flash memory not all features can be included in the firmware at the same time, so if you’re missing a feature you will have to build a custom firmware either locally or via
b) due to the legacy F4 processor, certain features (like FFT filters and Lua scripts) won’t work properly because it lacks processing power.
c) it might get fully deprecated at some point with no new firmware releases.

But other than that you’re good. :slight_smile:

fixed typos for port number

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Thank you all.
I’ll upgrade and switch over to ELRS. :slightly_smiling_face:

… but could that SERIAL 6 here in Matek f405-STD docs

SRXL2 requires a connection to T2 and automatically provides telemetry. Set SERIAL6_OPTIONS to “4”.
also be a typo?

Don’t have SRXL2 here.