About compass parameter x, y, z, fit

Thank you very much. I’ll do that.

Thank you so much for your help, I was able to fly normally!
I wish you all the luck in the world :smiley:

I had a big error. I have a GPS module connected to the GPS port (serial 3) and an RTK connected to UART & I2C B (serial 4).

I set the SERIAL3_PROTOCOL parameter to NONE and the SERIAL4_PROTOCOL parameter to GPS.

And in the parameter LIST, the GPS_PRIMARY parameter is set to SecondGPS, the GPS_TYPE parameter is set to None, and GPS_TYPE2 is set to AUTO.

But in the end, what I was using was the GPS module of the GPS port (serial 3) that I didn’t want to use. I was not using RTK.
Why is the GPS you want to block connected to and not the RTK?
I am confused. Thank you for your interest.

If you set Serial 3 protocol to none then you disabled that serial port. Serial 4 will become GPS1 not GPS2.

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