CORRELANE has already embedded a Pixhawk / Cube in our surface drone, BELISANA, USV in order to map isobaths and geolocate deep measures with GNSS-RTK in board for centimeter accuracy.
Now, for a new customer need, we would want to study the feasibility to couple S900 or S900A Stonex (Unistrong) GNSS receivers or N3 from ComNav Technology, with Pixhawk in order to use Pixhawk IMU and Kalman Filter to be able to hybrid GNSS and IMU data for the monitoring (missionplanner ?) in real time of the foot print of a piloted rover in a first stage. In a second stage, would it be possible to output from Pixhawk a data frame of trajectory points coordinates that will exploited in the customer’s computer by his software that allows to georeference some specific measures tagged by GNSS position in real time.
Is there a simplified parameters set up that allows to insure good positioning despite of important canyoning, without to use auto-steer capability but enhanced data positioning (between GNSS or IMU) thanks to the pixhawk ? Would it be possible to use Missionplanner to insure the complete foot print of the piloted rover embedding GNSS receiver, pixhawk and telemetry ? Is there a defined format stream data to broadcast the positions and quality data (VRMS/HRMS/PDOP) ? Or could it be done by a development under Mavlink ? What is it possible to do yet ? What does require development ?
Thank you in advance for your support.