A few questions about the new Auto-Tune wiki

@bnsgeyer Hello Bill,

first of all, I would like to thank you for your great effort and time spent developing the Auto-Tune feature. This will save us a lot of time in the future when tuning our helicopters. And for us non-experts, it will certainly give us a better basic setup than we can achieve on our own. Many, many thanks to all who helped Bill in developing and testing.
Unfortunately, I don’t think I’m good enough or too scared to participate in such tests.

Here are my first questions about the Auto-Tune-Wiki, which I have already read carefully.

“Autotune_frq_min”: Here you write that the default value is good for helicopters with less than 1.4 meter rotor diameter. Can you give us some values for 1.6 , 1.8 and 2.0 meters?

I have a similar question about the parameter "
Could you also give us values for 1.6, 1.8 and 2.0 meters?

About “Autotune_velxy_p”: Should we decrease or increase the value (0.1) if the helicopter moves too far away from its position?



@heri Hi Heri,

I’m glad I was able to develop this for heli users. It is a field I wanted to explore further and learn about. This has given me the opportunity to do that. I’ll admit this autotune feature has not reached the level of “Plug and play”. It will take the user some effort to understand the results and ensure the tune is progressing well. I have been remiss in announcing this to the user base as I wanted to get the log analysis section of the wiki complete to help users understand the results. Hopefully the setup and execution parts of the wiki make sense. I’m hoping the videos make it a little more understandable as well.

That’s fine. I certainly understand. I would also echo your thanks to all of my alpha testers. It was very much appreciated.

Thanks for going through the autotune wiki. I appreciate any feedback. This has become second nature to me so it is good to get feedback from those not accustom to this material.

Regarding the autotune_freq_min parameter, unfortunately I don’t have the data to make any more detailed recommendations. I plan to put in the log analysis wiki how to tell if your min frequency is not low enough. I generally think that 10 rad/s is pretty universal up to 900 size heli’s. The minimum frequency just gives the code a lower frequency at which it can easily latch on to the oscillations and determine the desired data and then follow it as the frequencies get faster to the regions of interest.

Again I don’t have a good range of data to be able to answer this question. Again it can be determined after the initial rate_P and Rate_D tests to see whether it is high enough to capture the correct frequency for tuning.

Sorry, I guess i wasn’t clear. you would increase the value to provide better position hold during the autotune testing.

I will update the wiki to provide better guidance. Thanks for reviewing it and providing feedback!

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@bnsgeyer thank you for your answers.