- If taking off in Auto, what is the behavior difference when including vs excluding an Take Off command as the first line?
- Does the mission pause and then resume if I switch to Stablize or Acro and then back into Auto?
- If you define a ROI in the beginning by using a WP index, and the mission encounters a Loiter_Turns, what happens?
- Can I define an ROI by my arming home position?
- Loiter Turns: The documentation states “Will cause the craft to begin to orbit the current location when the command is invoked” Is orbit really what it does (radius?) or is it simply a rotation about the z axis?
- Is there a difference between a WP delay and a Loiter_Time?
- Can CIRCLE mode be called in an Auto mission?
- Between two waypoints that are close in distance but not in altitude, what is the behavior if the copter reaches the lat/long WP before reaching its defined Altitude? (caused by nav horizontal and climbing limits)