A few newbie questions


I fairly new to the pixhawk so I have a few questions about the configuration. Till now I was using different FC like cleanflight on naze32, but recently I started using ardupilot copter as a main choice of FC and firmware.

I have two copter powered copters. A pixracer with 3.4rc1 on a q250 quad and a hexa copter 3.3 on a 600 scale hexacopter. Both fly well, now I’m looking for extra functionality.

  1. On my naze32 with cleanflight i was able to fairly easy use Taranis telemetry. On my Quad (pixracer) I have a D4R-II connected to the pix fr-sky telemetry port. On the PX4 software I was having readings from my quad on my radio, but i can not get it to work on ardupilot fw.

Also it;s not working on my hex’a with X8R and a dedicated cable from ebay.
Both have serial 4 configured to frsky telemetry, pix with d-port, hexa with s port but I have no telemetry on my radio (other then the standard RSSI, and voltage).

I can only find information that this was a work in progress on c3.2 so I assume it’s working now. So what I’m doing wrong?

EDIT 2… OK also set the telemetry from standard params and not from the full params list - and I got voltage on from pixracer on my taranis… Will try the same on px4 :slight_smile:

  1. I’m using minim osd with extra v854 I have configured the output of px4 as described here https://github.com/diydrones/MinimOSD-Extra/wiki/Setting-APM but I can not get the voltage to show on the osd.

Also is it possible to disable the batt 2 warning (not having it connected ends with a constant worming on the screen)

  1. I’m looking for a way to have a similar radio failsafe warning as in cleanflight. Yes both RTL, or land work well, but it would be a wonderful option to have a constant alert after the craft has landed in an unknown location.

EDIT. OK I found the Standard Params - Channel x Option - lost copter sound. But is there an option to force it on rc signal lost - other then setting receiver failsafe?

  1. It’s easy to redirect some rc output to a free channel on the px4, but is it possible on pixhawk? I would like to have some constant pwm output on a single channel - I’m using an additional lost plane alarm. So on px4 I will pass through thro to any free rc output. But pix racer has only motor outputs and I’m not sure if it can be done to those.

Thanks for you help.