802.11AH HaLow IOT wifi 920mhz

Wow, didnt expect to be better than LoRa, as LoRa has way more simple modulation scheme AFAIK.

over the peak of a hill

means there was no line of sight?

Today I received a package with bridges and antennas. Anjielo smart wifi halow bridge

bridge: https://pl.aliexpress.com/item/1005005701215525.html
8dbi yagi antennas: https://pl.aliexpress.com/item/1005005792293132.html

devices are pre-configured. one works in AP mode, the other in station mode.

on the board we have the IP101GR system acting as a 100m ethernet PHY, a subboard with TXW8301 and the HS8308E PA amplifier. Additionally, an Ethernet transformer, a power supply converter and a 25D80 series SPI flash memory

factory antenna SMA Male (like LTE devices)

I did some tests. first, on factory antennas

first one 1.7km from home with factory antennas:



second 1.7km from home with yagi antennas (on both side):

third 2.4km from home yagi antennas (on both side)

all without optical visibility, no chance of a 2.4ghz link

nice toy :slight_smile:
more tests coming soon


Thansk for those very nice tests! Impressive how far it is reaching.

According to the FCC link it actually has 26dbm Tx power, which is a lot! For such high gain i expect actually a heatsink, but this seems to be not there?

Would be also highly interested in a test of there IS a line of sight.

Hello,eryone.About the TAXIN-AH module Info,I am very familiar with the engineers of this company. If you have any questions, you can ask me.How to apply this module can also be discussed together.Maybe I can help you do solve these question.


Can you release some hardware on 868mhz so It can be used in europe, as far as i can tell no halow manufacturers have bothered to yet.

AFAIK , there is some hardware from the Taiwan company “ALFA” available in the EU.

e.g. Alfa HaLow Raspberry Pi HAT-Modul | Getic

Of course you can, this is too simple. Please tell me your contact information?

I am exploring the possibility to produce analog of the OpenHD project to the Taixin-AH module. I’m interested in working in monitoring mode. I requested the source code of the Taixin AH-Sniffer project on the Taixin Semiconductor website, but didn’t received a reply. Maybe You could help me to get source code of the AH-Sniffer?

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So is this part of the firmware that can be reflashed or can the efuses be changed?

My request didn’t get a reply either. I’d really like to use these modules, at least as a sniffer if I can’t change the operating frequency range :confused:

You mean RS232 with ±12 V logic level not the Ftdi Cable right?


as far i remember, i used an FDTI adapter

Has anyone gotten the netat.exe and netlog.exe from taixrin working?

Can you join more than two modules together?

Thank you for testing. Do you know what bandwidth and frequency were you using during tests?

I also live in Poland and my modules came with 8MHz bandwidth on 864MHz preconfigured (which doesn’t fit within the ISM band here).
I wouldn’t know that if I didn’t check with netat.exe.

I was able to get it down to 2MHz on 866MHz which should be fine for usage in the EU however going down to 1MHz which also should be supported yields a lot of lmac frame too long errors as soon as I try to transmit TCP packets.

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What is the hardware you bought? Is it supporting somehow 866Mhz band, or is the same?
Thank you in advance

I have this module which was originally set up for the EU ISM frequency band (863-869MHz). I bought it second hand so I’m not sure which option to choose on Anjielo website. I can confirm it’s possible to use them in the EU on that frequency band. I’m not sure if I would be able to set them for any other frequency (like 915 for the US), never tried it.

Thank you,
I will buy it for testing.

Awesome, please let us know how it worked for you.
I would also be grateful if anyone owning a device with TXW8301 chip tried it on 1MHz bandwidth (it’s maximum allowed legal bandwidth in the EU).

I will,
Personally I’m interested in possibility of writing custom firmware for TXW8301 chip to build full rc control/video link. Already asked taixin-semi for a SDK, we will see…


very cool, I look forward to trying what you come up with.