.72 and .73 Data tab freezes after reading waypoints

I have been running into an issue that I think can be replicated (have done so on multiple computers, multiple versions .72 and .73, and multiple different links, etc).

Here is a video showing the process I am doing to replicate the freeze.
Here is the MP console output when the error first starts when switching windows (for .72 and .73). In summary both versions throw null exceptions. Here is the waypoint file in use… don’t think this should affect it though.

ERROR MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightData - System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at MissionPlanner.GCSViews.FlightData.<mainloop>d__167.MoveNext()

The issue seems to not occur in the first place by writing the waypoints after reading, or can be fixed by writing the waypoints from the plan page.

It seems that this issue seems to happen if you have not written any waypoints to the AC and only read waypoints during a telemetry session.

Are others able to replicate this?

Yes it seems it is replicable, and looks like that cause is the takeoff command at the start.
Need a deeper check…

Update: OK, the problem is that if the copter home is not set (Set Home Here, or Arm) and the first item is a takeoff then updating the distance bar is failing, because it compare waypoint distances to the first item (which normally the home position, but if there is no home, it is the takeoff command which does not have position). I have some ideas how to fix it, but ultimately the decision is up to @Michael_Oborne

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ive pushed a new beta that should resolve this

and thanks to you both, @rubiksman @Eosbandi

at first i couldn’t replicate, but seems like testing with sitl all the time made me miss this. (ie always has gps at connect)

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oh if you could test beta, and report back. and ill do a new release very soon


Tested, it indeed fixes the issue.

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Works here as well. Thank you @Michael_Oborne!
Does it now set a Home location on connection?
Looking forward to the stable release.

in the new version there was a separation of planned home vs actual home. i added some logic to use planned home if actual home doesn’t exist, this was because there could have been a display issue if you use some of the set home here from flightdata

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