6 inch quad wobbling issue and Optical Flow configuration

Hello Guys,

Im building quad on 6 inch frame and currently Im trying to resolve 2 issues .
Can you help to understand where is the issue and how to fix it ?

  1. Wobbling efect during the flight ( no mater what mode and how high from ground ) I’ve shot a short video. ( 6 inch quad - loiter mode - YouTube )

  2. Optical flow configuration ( based on Cheerson CX-OF ) - Im not able to finish Inflight Calibration it stops due to time out at ~50% of gathering data. When I move to optical flow mode it start to oscillating at one high, but is not stable position .

I was thinking it was some sort of vibration topic, since my FC was tight to frame by nylon screw, Ive add some rubber damper , but it not change anything.

Im attaching logs and parameter list.


param list
All_param_24_8_2022.param (20.5 KB)


The log has an access requirement.

You can’t have default filters with a 6" craft. Use Mission Planners Initial Parameter Setup screen under Mandatory Hardware and make those changes. So, start there. You don’t have a Notch Filter configured, do that next.
Not sure how you arrived at this disparity but that won’t work:
Perhaps set all back to default and start over.

Thanks Dave for feedback
Ive change the access requirement , so now should be ok.
Im working also on your recommendations.

Meantime I’ve discovered when I changed dshot from 600 to 300 the problem with wobbling stops.
Not sure why but it helps.