4in1 ESC to Holybro Durandal wiring confirmation

Hi @amilcarlucas


Is it necessary to provide a power supply to the servo rail of the Cubepilot Flight Controller Unit, referencing this diagram? And an example.
FMU and peripherals will NOT accept power from the servo rail.

Do you know the objective of the development team for the servo rail input voltage?
Is it just for I/O? “I/O will accept power from the servo connector up to 10 V FOR MANUAL OVERRIDE.” For Cubepilot, meaning, I can supply 10V to the Cube servo rail (Main Out or Aux) for some I/O operation.

by searching the forum, quite many discussions and no clear usage intention.

  1. “Prearm Board (6.6V) out of range 4.3-5.8V”
  2. Pixhawk compatibility with high voltage digital servos
  3. Common Ground and Power conections
  4. Smoked pixhawk 2.4.8 connecting battery