4.4.4 IMUx fast fifo reset, thrust Loss

I got the following message when testing a LUA script.
Will it have been solved in 4.5.x?

CubeOrange, v4.4.4.

IMU0 fast fifo reset 9
IMU0 fast fifo reset 10
IMU0 fast fifo reset 14
IMU0 fast fifo reset 15
Potential Thrust Loss (3)
IMU0 fast fifo reset 16
IMU0 fast fifo reset 17
IMU0 fast fifo reset 18
IMU0 fast fifo reset 19

Hm, I don’t know much about LUA scripts and also I am novice in ardupilot. An So I follow most threads to learn.
And with your thread I think the question is like

I have a house, and I get the message ‘light is off’ - what to do?

I think if you don’t show srcipt and what it should do also all the experts couldn’t help much

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Or, “Doctor, it hurts when I do this”. “Then don’t do that”… IOW why wonder why it’s present in V4.4.4, just update to latest Stable and find out.

I don’t suspect the Lua script as it is one of the examples listed in the GitHub coded by the experts.

The identical script executed smoothly a few times with 4.4.4 without single warning and error. Out of sudden, it happens after guide mode change, execute takeoff command, error message appeared.