3dr telemetry doesn't download params

So, I’ve bought a telemetry module on “aliexpress”, 915mhz and I can’t connect on mission planner / apm2 software.

Please, have someone saw this problem?
If I connect by usb cable, all works perfectly (and all params are downloaded)
But with this telemetry module, no.

Previously, I’ll thanks for attention and help.

See this log on apm software.

[20171126 22:52:29.273 INFO ] - QGCCore::initialize()
[20171126 22:52:29.273 INFO ] - Current Build Info
[20171126 22:52:29.273 INFO ] - Git Hash: e2bcdb47229d9f33e5d5931a74958de5b35d432f
[20171126 22:52:29.273 INFO ] - Git Commit: 2.0.24
[20171126 22:52:29.273 INFO ] - APPLICATION_NAME: “APM Planner”
[20171126 22:52:29.273 INFO ] - APPLICATION_VERSION: “v2.0.24”
[20171126 22:52:29.273 INFO ] - APP_PLATFORM: win
[20171126 22:52:29.273 INFO ] - APP_TYPE: stable
[20171126 22:52:29.477 INFO ] - Start Link Manager
[20171126 22:52:29.477 DEBUG] - Create MAVLinkDecoder: MAVLinkDecoder(0x3a628c8)
[20171126 22:52:29.492 INFO ] - Start UAS Manager
[20171126 22:52:29.673 DEBUG] - Creating MainWindow
[20171126 22:52:29.814 INFO ] - Creating SubMainWindow: SubMainWindow(0x3572120)
[20171126 22:52:29.815 INFO ] - setting objectName: “VIEW_MISSION”
[20171126 22:52:29.861 INFO ] - Creating SubMainWindow: SubMainWindow(0x350db60)
[20171126 22:52:29.861 INFO ] - setting objectName: “VIEW_FLIGHT”
[20171126 22:52:29.895 INFO ] - Creating SubMainWindow: SubMainWindow(0x350f3a0)
[20171126 22:52:29.895 INFO ] - setting objectName: “VIEW_HARDWARE_CONFIG”
[20171126 22:52:30.245 DEBUG] - fillPortsInfo
[20171126 22:52:30.252 INFO ] - Inserting “COM4”
[20171126 22:52:30.253 INFO ] - Changed Link to: “COM4”
[20171126 22:52:30.258 INFO ] - Inserting “COM4”
[20171126 22:52:30.258 INFO ] - Changed Link to: “COM4”
[20171126 22:52:30.318 WARN ] - libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
[20171126 22:52:30.323 WARN ] - libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
[20171126 22:52:30.326 WARN ] - libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
[20171126 22:52:30.515 INFO ] - Creating SubMainWindow: SubMainWindow(0x614c5e0)
[20171126 22:52:30.515 INFO ] - setting objectName: “VIEW_SOFTWARE_CONFIG”
[20171126 22:52:30.533 DEBUG] - Disable Controls
[20171126 22:52:30.690 INFO ] - Creating SubMainWindow: SubMainWindow(0x614d560)
[20171126 22:52:30.690 INFO ] - setting objectName: “VIEW_ENGINEER”
[20171126 22:52:30.729 INFO ] - Creating SubMainWindow: SubMainWindow(0x87d79d0)
[20171126 22:52:30.729 INFO ] - setting objectName: “VIEW_SIMULATOR”
[20171126 22:52:30.781 DEBUG] - MODE: 0
[20171126 22:52:30.792 DEBUG] - “D|PREFLIGHT”
[20171126 22:52:30.794 DEBUG] - MODE: 80
[20171126 22:52:30.795 DEBUG] - “D|STABILIZED”
[20171126 22:52:30.796 DEBUG] - MODE: 64
[20171126 22:52:30.797 DEBUG] - “D|MANUAL”
[20171126 22:52:30.798 DEBUG] - MODE: 88
[20171126 22:52:30.799 DEBUG] - “D|VECTOR|STABILIZED”
[20171126 22:52:30.801 DEBUG] - MODE: 92
[20171126 22:52:30.801 DEBUG] - “D|AUTO|STABILIZED”
[20171126 22:52:30.804 DEBUG] - MODE: 66
[20171126 22:52:30.805 DEBUG] - “D|TEST”
[20171126 22:52:30.882 DEBUG] - QUrl(“file:///C:/Program Files (x86)/APMPlanner2/qml/PrimaryFlightDisplayQML.qml”)
[20171126 22:52:31.062 DEBUG] - QML Status: 1
[20171126 22:52:31.066 DEBUG] - QUrl(“file:///C:/Program Files (x86)/APMPlanner2/qml/PrimaryFlightDisplayQML.qml”)
[20171126 22:52:31.148 DEBUG] - QML Status: 1
[20171126 22:52:31.157 INFO ] - UASActionsWidget creating UASActionsWidget(0x612fa18)
[20171126 22:52:31.162 DEBUG] - QuickView: load settings
[20171126 22:52:31.165 DEBUG] - QuickView: loading key: “GCS Status.Altitude (GPS) (m)” type: “text”
[20171126 22:52:31.179 DEBUG] - QuickView: loading key: “GCS Status.Altitude (REL) (m)” type: “text”
[20171126 22:52:31.185 DEBUG] - QuickView: loading key: “GCS Status.Battery (%)” type: “text”
[20171126 22:52:31.188 DEBUG] - QuickView: loading key: “GCS Status.Climb (m/s)” type: “text”
[20171126 22:52:31.191 DEBUG] - QuickView: loading key: “GCS Status.Current (A)” type: “text”
[20171126 22:52:31.195 DEBUG] - QuickView: loading key: “GCS Status.GPS Fix ()” type: “text”
[20171126 22:52:31.200 DEBUG] - QuickView: loading key: “GCS Status.GPS HDOP (m)” type: “text”
[20171126 22:52:31.205 DEBUG] - QuickView: loading key: “GCS Status.GPS Sats ()” type: “text”
[20171126 22:52:31.209 DEBUG] - QuickView: loading key: “GCS Status.Pitch (deg)” type: “text”
[20171126 22:52:31.216 DEBUG] - QuickView: loading key: “GCS Status.Roll (deg)” type: “text”
[20171126 22:52:31.223 DEBUG] - QuickView: loading key: “GCS Status.Voltage (V)” type: “text”
[20171126 22:52:31.229 DEBUG] - QuickView: loading key: “GCS Status.Yaw (deg)” type: “text”
[20171126 22:52:31.241 DEBUG] - QuickView: load settings END
[20171126 22:52:31.311 DEBUG] - qmlBaseDir “C:/Program Files (x86)/APMPlanner2”
[20171126 22:52:31.312 DEBUG] - QUrl(“file:///C:/Program Files (x86)/APMPlanner2/qml/ApmToolBar.qml”)
[20171126 22:52:31.363 DEBUG] - APMToolBar: button label SELECTED
[20171126 22:52:31.391 DEBUG] - QML Status: 1
[20171126 22:52:31.396 DEBUG] - Setting for “USER_DONATED” : QVariant(QString, “false”)
[20171126 22:52:31.397 DEBUG] - Set Advanced Mode true USER_DONATED:false
[20171126 22:52:31.398 DEBUG] - Donate visible
[20171126 22:52:31.404 INFO ] - NETWORK_PROXY: Disabling System Network Proxies
[20171126 22:52:31.410 DEBUG] - Loading widget: “PRIMARY_FLIGHT_DISPLAY_QML_DOCKWIDGET”
[20171126 22:52:31.411 DEBUG] - Loading widget: “UAS_INFO_INFOVIEW_DOCKWIDGET”
[20171126 22:52:31.566 WARN ] - QObject::moveToThread: Current thread (0x614d840) is not the object’s thread (0x614b960).
Cannot move to target thread (0x1543b78)

[20171126 22:52:31.632 WARN ] - QSettings::endGroup: No matching beginGroup()
[20171126 22:52:31.641 DEBUG] - Create Serial Connection: SerialConnection(0x91224b0)
[20171126 22:52:31.641 INFO ] - “COM4” 57600
[20171126 22:52:31.782 DEBUG] - APMToolBar: new Serial Link Created 1
[20171126 22:52:31.782 DEBUG] - APMToolBar setConnection: false
[20171126 22:52:31.798 DEBUG] - APMToolBar: updateLinkDisplay “COM4” : “57600” connected: false
[20171126 22:52:31.798 INFO ] - UDP Created “UDP Link (port:14550)”
[20171126 22:52:31.798 INFO ] - UDPLink::UDP connect QHostAddress(QHostAddress::Any) : 14550
[20171126 22:52:31.851 DEBUG] - SCW: Link is disconnected
[20171126 22:52:31.851 DEBUG] - Baud rate: 57600 Expected: 3
[20171126 22:52:34.650 DEBUG] - APMToolBar: CONNECT SELECTED
[20171126 22:52:34.651 DEBUG] - APMToolBar: connectMAV QObject(0x0) with sLink 1
[20171126 22:52:34.652 DEBUG] - SerialConnection::connect()
[20171126 22:52:34.655 ERROR] - serial connection: error 0
[20171126 22:52:34.679 DEBUG] - APMToolBar setConnection: true
[20171126 22:52:34.680 DEBUG] - APM Tool BAR QML: connected
[20171126 22:52:34.683 DEBUG] - APMToolBar: updateLinkDisplay “COM4” : “57600” connected: true
[20171126 22:52:34.685 DEBUG] - APMToolBar: DISCONNECT unselected
[20171126 22:52:35.088 ERROR] - serial connection: error 11
[20171126 22:52:35.377 WARN ] - QObject::connect: No such signal SerialConnection::disconnected(QObject*)
[20171126 22:52:35.378 INFO ] - ArduPilotMegaMAV APM Connected
[20171126 22:52:35.382 DEBUG] - LinkManger::startLogging() “C:/Users/diogo.rocha/apmplanner2/tlogs/hexcopter//2017-11-26 22-52-35.tlog”
[20171126 22:52:35.383 DEBUG] - Start MAVLink logging “C:/Users/diogo.rocha/apmplanner2/tlogs/hexcopter//2017-11-26 22-52-35.tlog”
[20171126 22:52:35.496 DEBUG] - ATTEMPTING TO LOAD CSV
[20171126 22:52:35.499 DEBUG] - AUTOPILOT: “ARDUPILOTMEGA”
[20171126 22:52:35.501 DEBUG] - FILENAME: “C:/Program Files (x86)/APMPlanner2/files/ardupilotmega/parameter_tooltips/tooltips.txt”
[20171126 22:52:35.507 DEBUG] - src\uas\UAS.cc 2160 LOADING PARAM LIST
[20171126 22:52:35.531 DEBUG] - No default custom widgets for system “HEXAROTOR” autopilot “ARDUPILOTMEGA” found
[20171126 22:52:35.532 DEBUG] - Tried with path: “C:/Program Files (x86)/APMPlanner2/files/ardupilotmega/widgets/”
[20171126 22:52:35.535 DEBUG] - Loading widget: “PRIMARY_FLIGHT_DISPLAY_QML_DOCKWIDGET”
[20171126 22:52:35.536 DEBUG] - Loading widget: “UAS_INFO_INFOVIEW_DOCKWIDGET”
[20171126 22:52:35.553 DEBUG] - addUAS “MAV 001”
[20171126 22:52:35.555 INFO ] - QGCMapTool::activeUASSet
[20171126 22:52:35.557 INFO ] - QGCMapTool::activeUASSet
[20171126 22:52:35.560 DEBUG] - AHC: uasConnected()
[20171126 22:52:35.561 DEBUG] - toggleButtonsShown true
[20171126 22:52:35.563 DEBUG] - Multirotor
[20171126 22:52:35.641 INFO ] - QGCMapTool::activeUASSet
[20171126 22:52:35.647 INFO ] - UASActionWidget::activeUASSet
[20171126 22:52:35.650 INFO ] - Arming State Changed: DISARM
[20171126 22:52:35.651 INFO ] - updateWaypointList:
[20171126 22:52:35.652 INFO ] - UASActionWidget: set for Copter
[20171126 22:52:35.675 DEBUG] - APMToolBar::ActiveUASSet ArduPilotMegaMAV(0x94db260)
[20171126 22:52:35.676 DEBUG] - APMToolBar::ActiveUASSet ArduPilotMegaMAV(0x94db260)
[20171126 22:52:35.679 DEBUG] - activeUASSet “MAV 001”
[20171126 22:52:35.681 DEBUG] - UPDATE WP LIST IN 2D MAP CALLED FOR UAS 1
[20171126 22:52:35.686 DEBUG] - HBD: Heartbeat started
[20171126 22:52:35.687 DEBUG] - UAS: new system_status 3
[20171126 22:52:35.689 DEBUG] - UAS: new base mode 81
[20171126 22:52:35.690 DEBUG] - MODE: 81
[20171126 22:52:35.692 DEBUG] - “D|STABILIZED”
[20171126 22:52:35.693 DEBUG] - UAS: new custom mode 0
[20171126 22:52:35.694 DEBUG] - APM: getCustomModeText()
[20171126 22:52:35.696 DEBUG] - plotTextArrow: 0 to “MODE”
[20171126 22:52:35.698 DEBUG] - APMToolBar::mode: “Stabilize”
[20171126 22:52:35.699 DEBUG] - APM: getCustomModeText()
[20171126 22:52:35.700 DEBUG] - APM say: “Mode changed to Stabilize for system 1”
[20171126 22:52:36.644 DEBUG] - “retrieve versionobject from server: http://firmware.ardupilot.org/Tools/APMPlanner/apm_planner_version.json
[20171126 22:52:37.029 DEBUG] - Downloading: 2838 / 2838
[20171126 22:52:37.030 DEBUG] - Downloading: 2838 / 2838
[20171126 22:52:37.032 DEBUG] - AutoUpdateCheck::httpFinished()
[20171126 22:52:37.035 DEBUG] - Detected newVersion: (“2.0.24”, “2.0.24”, “”) count: 2
[20171126 22:52:37.036 DEBUG] - Detected currentVersion: (“2.0.24”, “2.0.24”, “”) count: 2
[20171126 22:52:37.037 DEBUG] - Verison Compare: " New Version 2.0.24 compared to Old Version 2.0.24"
[20171126 22:52:37.038 INFO ] - no new update available
[20171126 22:52:45.512 DEBUG] - QGCParamWidget: No parameters, re-requesting from MAV
[20171126 22:52:45.513 DEBUG] - src\uas\UAS.cc 2160 LOADING PARAM LIST
[20171126 22:52:46.209 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:52:47.219 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:52:49.490 DEBUG] - HBD: Heartbeat stopped
[20171126 22:52:49.515 DEBUG] - HBD: Heartbeat started
[20171126 22:52:50.486 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:52:51.483 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:52:52.480 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:52:53.480 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:52:54.478 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:52:54.770 DEBUG] - mousePressEvent pos: QPoint(597,466) posF: QPoint(597,466)
[20171126 22:52:54.960 DEBUG] - mouseReleaseEvent pos: QPoint(597,466) posF: QPoint(597,466)
[20171126 22:52:55.480 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:52:55.512 DEBUG] - QGCParamWidget: No parameters, re-requesting from MAV
[20171126 22:52:55.514 DEBUG] - src\uas\UAS.cc 2160 LOADING PARAM LIST
[20171126 22:52:56.492 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:52:57.491 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:52:58.501 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:52:59.490 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:53:00.491 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:53:01.494 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:53:02.490 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:53:03.489 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:53:04.504 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:53:05.504 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:53:05.517 DEBUG] - QGCParamWidget: No parameters, re-requesting from MAV
[20171126 22:53:05.517 DEBUG] - src\uas\UAS.cc 2160 LOADING PARAM LIST
[20171126 22:53:06.504 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:53:07.516 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:53:08.531 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:53:10.218 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:53:11.228 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:53:12.230 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:53:13.242 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:53:14.240 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:53:15.255 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:53:15.525 DEBUG] - QGCParamWidget: No parameters, re-requesting from MAV
[20171126 22:53:15.527 DEBUG] - src\uas\UAS.cc 2160 LOADING PARAM LIST
[20171126 22:53:16.257 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:53:17.270 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:53:18.285 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:53:19.301 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:53:20.307 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:53:21.315 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171126 22:53:22.330 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…

see the settings on 2 modules

Which LEDs are on/blinking on 3DR radio modems?

Hello Dear!

Thank you for your response.

So, the green lights are fixed on, and the red lights are blinking /

When I see on Mission planner, the telemetry get connected, but I really
don’t know why doesn’t transmitting the APM params.


Check cabling (i.e. mixed Rx/Tx line on APM side). Of course you’ve set 57kbaud datarate in MP?
Beside this decrease # of channels to 20-30 - so high value sometimes makes sync process unreliable.

Thanks for your reply.
Yes! 57,4k and set up 10 chanells.
But doesn’t work on Mission Planner yet. Unfortunatelly.

doesn’t finish this step “getting params”… and doesn’t show “params name”…

log on SikRadio.

INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - Connect btr 213 baud 57600
INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - Connect first response ???? )`v<RGc<? 20
INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - Doing Command AT&T
INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - Doing Command AT&T
INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio -
INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - Doing Command ATI
INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - SiK 1.9 on HM-TRP

INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - Connect Version: SiK 1.9 on HM-TRP

INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - Doing Command AT&T
INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - Doing Command AT&T
INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio -
INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - Doing Command ATI
INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - SiK 1.9 on HM-TRP

INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - Doing Command ATI3
INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - 145

INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - Doing Command ATI2
INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - 78

INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - Doing Command AT&E?
INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - ERROR

INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - Doing Command ATI7
INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - L/R RSSI: 133/162 L/R noise: 18/18 pkts: 384 txe=0 rxe=0 stx=0 srx=0 ecc=0/0 temp=46 dco=0

INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - Doing Command ATI5
INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - S0:FORMAT=25

INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - Doing Command RTI
INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - SiK 1.9 on HM-TRP

INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - Doing Command RTI2
INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - 78

INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - Doing Command RT&E?
INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - ERROR

INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - Doing Command RTI5
INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - S0:FORMAT=25

INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - Odd config line :
INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - Doing Command ATO
QYþôtÙ kv<Ê3h<B$â¿à3#:à/?ºX,ýºj°þõJ ìQØ?

INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - Closing port COM4


[20171210 14:24:54.957 INFO ] - APPLICATION_NAME: “APM Planner”
[20171210 14:24:54.957 INFO ] - APPLICATION_VERSION: “v2.0.24”
[20171210 14:24:54.957 INFO ] - APP_PLATFORM: win
[20171210 14:24:54.957 INFO ] - APP_TYPE: stable
[20171210 14:24:56.944 INFO ] - Start Link Manager
[20171210 14:24:56.960 DEBUG] - Create MAVLinkDecoder: MAVLinkDecoder(0x3f15f70)
[20171210 14:24:56.994 INFO ] - Start UAS Manager
[20171210 14:24:59.227 DEBUG] - Creating MainWindow
[20171210 14:24:59.666 INFO ] - Creating SubMainWindow: SubMainWindow(0x3e8ff80)
[20171210 14:24:59.667 INFO ] - setting objectName: “VIEW_MISSION”
[20171210 14:24:59.808 INFO ] - Creating SubMainWindow: SubMainWindow(0x3e8cdc0)
[20171210 14:24:59.809 INFO ] - setting objectName: “VIEW_FLIGHT”
[20171210 14:24:59.869 INFO ] - Creating SubMainWindow: SubMainWindow(0x38efa78)
[20171210 14:24:59.869 INFO ] - setting objectName: “VIEW_HARDWARE_CONFIG”
[20171210 14:25:00.288 DEBUG] - fillPortsInfo
[20171210 14:25:00.299 INFO ] - Inserting “COM4”
[20171210 14:25:00.299 INFO ] - Changed Link to: “COM4”
[20171210 14:25:00.309 INFO ] - Inserting “COM4”
[20171210 14:25:00.310 INFO ] - Changed Link to: “COM4”
[20171210 14:25:00.404 WARN ] - libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
[20171210 14:25:00.409 WARN ] - libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
[20171210 14:25:00.412 WARN ] - libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
[20171210 14:25:00.604 INFO ] - Creating SubMainWindow: SubMainWindow(0x6247a70)
[20171210 14:25:00.604 INFO ] - setting objectName: “VIEW_SOFTWARE_CONFIG”
[20171210 14:25:00.618 DEBUG] - Disable Controls
[20171210 14:25:00.768 INFO ] - Creating SubMainWindow: SubMainWindow(0x682f588)
[20171210 14:25:00.769 INFO ] - setting objectName: “VIEW_ENGINEER”
[20171210 14:25:00.824 INFO ] - Creating SubMainWindow: SubMainWindow(0x682d9a8)
[20171210 14:25:00.824 INFO ] - setting objectName: “VIEW_SIMULATOR”
[20171210 14:25:00.907 DEBUG] - MODE: 0
[20171210 14:25:00.919 DEBUG] - “D|PREFLIGHT”
[20171210 14:25:00.923 DEBUG] - MODE: 80
[20171210 14:25:00.926 DEBUG] - “D|STABILIZED”
[20171210 14:25:00.927 DEBUG] - MODE: 64
[20171210 14:25:00.929 DEBUG] - “D|MANUAL”
[20171210 14:25:00.932 DEBUG] - MODE: 88
[20171210 14:25:00.937 DEBUG] - “D|VECTOR|STABILIZED”
[20171210 14:25:00.939 DEBUG] - MODE: 92
[20171210 14:25:00.941 DEBUG] - “D|AUTO|STABILIZED”
[20171210 14:25:00.945 DEBUG] - MODE: 66
[20171210 14:25:00.946 DEBUG] - “D|TEST”
[20171210 14:25:01.018 DEBUG] - QUrl(“file:///C:/Program Files (x86)/APMPlanner2/qml/PrimaryFlightDisplayQML.qml”)
[20171210 14:25:01.775 DEBUG] - QML Status: 1
[20171210 14:25:01.782 DEBUG] - QUrl(“file:///C:/Program Files (x86)/APMPlanner2/qml/PrimaryFlightDisplayQML.qml”)
[20171210 14:25:01.968 DEBUG] - QML Status: 1
[20171210 14:25:01.979 INFO ] - UASActionsWidget creating UASActionsWidget(0x8fa2de8)
[20171210 14:25:01.987 DEBUG] - QuickView: load settings
[20171210 14:25:01.993 DEBUG] - QuickView: loading key: “GCS Status.Altitude (GPS) (m)” type: “text”
[20171210 14:25:02.020 DEBUG] - QuickView: loading key: “GCS Status.Altitude (REL) (m)” type: “text”
[20171210 14:25:02.024 DEBUG] - QuickView: loading key: “GCS Status.Battery (%)” type: “text”
[20171210 14:25:02.031 DEBUG] - QuickView: loading key: “GCS Status.Climb (m/s)” type: “text”
[20171210 14:25:02.039 DEBUG] - QuickView: loading key: “GCS Status.Current (A)” type: “text”
[20171210 14:25:02.047 DEBUG] - QuickView: loading key: “GCS Status.GPS Fix ()” type: “text”
[20171210 14:25:02.056 DEBUG] - QuickView: loading key: “GCS Status.GPS HDOP (m)” type: “text”
[20171210 14:25:02.063 DEBUG] - QuickView: loading key: “GCS Status.GPS Sats ()” type: “text”
[20171210 14:25:02.072 DEBUG] - QuickView: loading key: “GCS Status.Pitch (deg)” type: “text”
[20171210 14:25:02.079 DEBUG] - QuickView: loading key: “GCS Status.Roll (deg)” type: “text”
[20171210 14:25:02.089 DEBUG] - QuickView: loading key: “GCS Status.Voltage (V)” type: “text”
[20171210 14:25:02.097 DEBUG] - QuickView: loading key: “GCS Status.Yaw (deg)” type: “text”
[20171210 14:25:02.113 DEBUG] - QuickView: load settings END
[20171210 14:25:02.213 DEBUG] - qmlBaseDir “C:/Program Files (x86)/APMPlanner2”
[20171210 14:25:02.213 DEBUG] - QUrl(“file:///C:/Program Files (x86)/APMPlanner2/qml/ApmToolBar.qml”)
[20171210 14:25:02.387 DEBUG] - APMToolBar: button label SELECTED
[20171210 14:25:02.471 DEBUG] - QML Status: 1
[20171210 14:25:02.480 DEBUG] - Setting for “USER_DONATED” : QVariant(QString, “false”)
[20171210 14:25:02.481 DEBUG] - Set Advanced Mode true USER_DONATED:false
[20171210 14:25:02.488 DEBUG] - Donate visible
[20171210 14:25:02.502 INFO ] - NETWORK_PROXY: Disabling System Network Proxies
[20171210 14:25:02.512 DEBUG] - Loading widget: “PRIMARY_FLIGHT_DISPLAY_QML_DOCKWIDGET”
[20171210 14:25:02.516 DEBUG] - Loading widget: “UAS_INFO_INFOVIEW_DOCKWIDGET”
[20171210 14:25:02.752 WARN ] - QSettings::endGroup: No matching beginGroup()
[20171210 14:25:02.755 DEBUG] - Create Serial Connection: SerialConnection(0x94a3ae8)
[20171210 14:25:02.755 INFO ] - “COM4” 57600
[20171210 14:25:02.983 DEBUG] - APMToolBar: new Serial Link Created 1
[20171210 14:25:02.983 DEBUG] - APMToolBar setConnection: false
[20171210 14:25:02.983 DEBUG] - APMToolBar: updateLinkDisplay “COM4” : “57600” connected: false
[20171210 14:25:02.983 INFO ] - UDP Created “UDP Link (port:14550)”
[20171210 14:25:02.983 INFO ] - UDPLink::UDP connect QHostAddress(QHostAddress::Any) : 14550
[20171210 14:25:03.060 DEBUG] - SCW: Link is disconnected
[20171210 14:25:03.076 DEBUG] - Baud rate: 57600 Expected: 3
[20171210 14:25:07.753 DEBUG] - “retrieve versionobject from server: http://firmware.ardupilot.org/Tools/APMPlanner/apm_planner_version.json
[20171210 14:25:08.615 DEBUG] - Downloading: 2838 / 2838
[20171210 14:25:08.616 DEBUG] - Downloading: 2838 / 2838
[20171210 14:25:08.622 DEBUG] - AutoUpdateCheck::httpFinished()
[20171210 14:25:08.629 DEBUG] - Detected newVersion: (“2.0.24”, “2.0.24”, “”) count: 2
[20171210 14:25:08.633 DEBUG] - Detected currentVersion: (“2.0.24”, “2.0.24”, “”) count: 2
[20171210 14:25:08.635 DEBUG] - Verison Compare: " New Version 2.0.24 compared to Old Version 2.0.24"
[20171210 14:25:08.637 INFO ] - no new update available
[20171210 14:25:08.691 DEBUG] - APMToolBar: CONNECT SELECTED
[20171210 14:25:08.693 DEBUG] - APMToolBar: connectMAV QObject(0x0) with sLink 1
[20171210 14:25:08.696 DEBUG] - SerialConnection::connect()
[20171210 14:25:08.698 ERROR] - serial connection: error 0
[20171210 14:25:08.720 DEBUG] - APMToolBar setConnection: true
[20171210 14:25:08.721 DEBUG] - APM Tool BAR QML: connected
[20171210 14:25:08.732 DEBUG] - APMToolBar: updateLinkDisplay “COM4” : “57600” connected: true
[20171210 14:25:08.735 DEBUG] - APMToolBar: DISCONNECT unselected
[20171210 14:25:08.893 ERROR] - serial connection: error 11
[20171210 14:25:09.181 WARN ] - QObject::connect: No such signal SerialConnection::disconnected(QObject*)
[20171210 14:25:09.184 INFO ] - ArduPilotMegaMAV APM Connected
[20171210 14:25:09.196 DEBUG] - LinkManger::startLogging() “C:/Users/diogo.rocha/apmplanner2/tlogs/hexcopter//2017-12-10 14-25-09.tlog”
[20171210 14:25:09.204 DEBUG] - Start MAVLink logging “C:/Users/diogo.rocha/apmplanner2/tlogs/hexcopter//2017-12-10 14-25-09.tlog”
[20171210 14:25:09.326 DEBUG] - ATTEMPTING TO LOAD CSV
[20171210 14:25:09.329 DEBUG] - AUTOPILOT: “ARDUPILOTMEGA”
[20171210 14:25:09.331 DEBUG] - FILENAME: “C:/Program Files (x86)/APMPlanner2/files/ardupilotmega/parameter_tooltips/tooltips.txt”
[20171210 14:25:09.337 DEBUG] - src\uas\UAS.cc 2160 LOADING PARAM LIST
[20171210 14:25:09.360 DEBUG] - No default custom widgets for system “HEXAROTOR” autopilot “ARDUPILOTMEGA” found
[20171210 14:25:09.361 DEBUG] - Tried with path: “C:/Program Files (x86)/APMPlanner2/files/ardupilotmega/widgets/”
[20171210 14:25:09.365 DEBUG] - Loading widget: “PRIMARY_FLIGHT_DISPLAY_QML_DOCKWIDGET”
[20171210 14:25:09.367 DEBUG] - Loading widget: “UAS_INFO_INFOVIEW_DOCKWIDGET”
[20171210 14:25:09.384 DEBUG] - addUAS “MAV 001”
[20171210 14:25:09.387 INFO ] - QGCMapTool::activeUASSet
[20171210 14:25:09.389 INFO ] - QGCMapTool::activeUASSet
[20171210 14:25:09.395 DEBUG] - AHC: uasConnected()
[20171210 14:25:09.396 DEBUG] - toggleButtonsShown true
[20171210 14:25:09.400 DEBUG] - Multirotor
[20171210 14:25:09.466 INFO ] - QGCMapTool::activeUASSet
[20171210 14:25:09.471 INFO ] - UASActionWidget::activeUASSet
[20171210 14:25:09.476 INFO ] - Arming State Changed: DISARM
[20171210 14:25:09.476 INFO ] - updateWaypointList:
[20171210 14:25:09.480 INFO ] - UASActionWidget: set for Copter
[20171210 14:25:09.503 DEBUG] - APMToolBar::ActiveUASSet ArduPilotMegaMAV(0x128bc0b8)
[20171210 14:25:09.505 DEBUG] - APMToolBar::ActiveUASSet ArduPilotMegaMAV(0x128bc0b8)
[20171210 14:25:09.511 DEBUG] - activeUASSet “MAV 001”
[20171210 14:25:09.512 DEBUG] - UPDATE WP LIST IN 2D MAP CALLED FOR UAS 1
[20171210 14:25:09.519 DEBUG] - HBD: Heartbeat started
[20171210 14:25:09.520 DEBUG] - UAS: new system_status 3
[20171210 14:25:09.521 DEBUG] - UAS: new base mode 81
[20171210 14:25:09.524 DEBUG] - MODE: 81
[20171210 14:25:09.525 DEBUG] - “D|STABILIZED”
[20171210 14:25:09.527 DEBUG] - UAS: new custom mode 0
[20171210 14:25:09.531 DEBUG] - APM: getCustomModeText()
[20171210 14:25:09.533 DEBUG] - plotTextArrow: 0 to “MODE”
[20171210 14:25:09.534 DEBUG] - APMToolBar::mode: “Stabilize”
[20171210 14:25:09.537 DEBUG] - APM: getCustomModeText()
[20171210 14:25:09.538 DEBUG] - APM say: “Mode changed to Stabilize for system 1”
[20171210 14:25:19.365 DEBUG] - QGCParamWidget: No parameters, re-requesting from MAV
[20171210 14:25:19.366 DEBUG] - src\uas\UAS.cc 2160 LOADING PARAM LIST
[20171210 14:25:19.468 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:25:20.484 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:25:21.499 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:25:22.515 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:25:23.538 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:25:24.536 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:25:25.547 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:25:26.550 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:25:27.564 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:25:28.572 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:25:29.337 DEBUG] - QGCParamWidget: No parameters, re-requesting from MAV
[20171210 14:25:29.345 DEBUG] - src\uas\UAS.cc 2160 LOADING PARAM LIST
[20171210 14:25:29.568 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:25:30.571 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:25:31.576 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:25:32.574 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:25:33.577 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:25:34.788 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:25:35.784 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:25:36.795 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:25:37.785 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:25:38.798 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:25:39.333 DEBUG] - QGCParamWidget: No parameters, re-requesting from MAV
[20171210 14:25:59.747 DEBUG] - src\uas\UAS.cc 2160 LOADING PARAM LIST
[20171210 14:25:59.801 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:25:59.803 DEBUG] - HBD: Heartbeat stopped
[20171210 14:25:59.839 DEBUG] - HBD: Heartbeat started
[20171210 14:25:59.924 DEBUG] - Send requestall data streams when heartbeat restarts
[20171210 14:26:00.810 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:26:01.800 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:26:02.808 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:26:03.807 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:26:04.808 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:26:05.819 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:26:06.821 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:26:07.834 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…
[20171210 14:26:08.850 DEBUG] - ApmSoftwareConfig::populateTimerTick() - No Param names from param manager. Sleeping for one second…

You should migrate to the the new APM-Planner version 2.0.25 as it has several fixes regarding the serial connection. Also the APM-Planner includes a config tool for the sik radio as well. As long as you have not tried to connect to an ardupilot there should be a possibility to configure the radio in the configuration tab I think.

Unfortunatelly doesn’t work.
I’ve tried to upgrade firmware by FTDI.
But show this log

INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio -
Trying Bootloader ModeINFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - Trying Bootloader Mode
ERROR MissionPlanner.Sikradio - System.Exception: SYNC FAIL
em uploader.Uploader.connect_and_sync()
em MissionPlanner.Sikradio.UploadFW(Boolean custom)
INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - Closing port COM7
Trying Firmware ModeINFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - Trying Firmware Mode
INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - Connect btr 0 baud 57600
INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - doConnect retry
INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - Connect btr 0 baud 57600
INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - doConnect retry
INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - Connect btr 0 baud 57600
INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - doConnect retry
INFO MissionPlanner.Sikradio - Connect btr 0 baud 57600
CustomMessageBox thread calling
CustomMessageBox thread running
INFO MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort - Closing port COM7

Hi. did you solve this problem? My air module red light solid, i dont know what can i do