3DR staff on this forum, PLEASE identify yourselves

3DR is supposed to be monitoring this forum. How about all 3DR employees identifying that they ARE 3DR by putting their credentials in the signature so we will know who is or is not a 3DR employee?

Just sayin’

I think it’s just Craig3DR, nobody else?? Wish there were more, and they were more responsive.


Plus the developers are here as well


Plus the developers are here as well[/quote]

So Craig, are you the only 3DR staff member monitoring this site? Who then are the other site admins?

You are only identified as “site admin” and “Craig3DR”…and it is not clear if that confers any association with 3DR. I had a concern about an answer given by one of the other site admins as I took his reply to be 3DR policy. Apparently that was not necessarily the case. So, if you are the only 3DR staff presently monitoring the site, could your signature at least reflect that…and if the other site admins could indicate their association, it would be good to know.

As it stands, I see an answer and if I don’t know anything about the credentials of that person, it certainly will influence how much credence I give to the answer.

As Craig wrote, check the usergroup!!! There’s 2 relevant usergroups which are “3DR Employees” and additionally “3DR Support”. The membership to this groups is additionally shown through the color (except for Craig because he is site admin).
As I know that you were referring to me, you also might want to check my signature, which clearly says that everything that I don’t write in red or green color is merely my personal opinion. Finally, you might want to review the red text which is shown at the bottom of each page.

Sent from my Ainol Novo 7 Fire using Tapatalk


Just in case you can’t find the usergroups list on the front page, please click on this link to see all 3DR employees in the forum: memberlist.php?mode=group&g=10
Note that employees without special functions In the forum are shown in orange, while dedicated support staff is shown in light blue. However, do NOT send support requests via PM! They will NOT be answered!

Sent from my Ainol Novo 7 Fire using Tapatalk

[quote=“StefanG”]Just in case you can’t find the usergroups list on the front page, please click on this link to see all 3DR employees in the forum: memberlist.php?mode=group&g=10
Note that employees without special functions In the forum are shown in orange, while dedicated support staff is shown in light blue. However, do NOT send support requests via PM! They will NOT be answered!

Sent from my Ainol Novo 7 Fire using Tapatalk[/quote]

Excellent…just what I was hoping to see. Thanks. I consider this “[color=#00FF00]resolved[/color]”.

Topics are marked as solved by the original poster. To mark a topic as solved, please click on “accept this answer” right below the answer you wish to accept.

See also viewtopic.php?f=39&t=5236

Now that we know who from 3DR is active here, I still agree with IPvFletch, that I wish there were more folks here, and they were more responsive.

Also given this is supposed to be the official 3DR support forum for IRIS, it would only make sense if at least the moderator was from 3DR and would actively participate.

Just my 2c

What does the moderator have to do with technical support?
The moderators’ primary job is to make sure, people stick to the rules and everything stays somewhat structured. For the tech support is the dedicated support staff.

More folks here like in more 3DR staff? Might it be possible that you overestimate the personnel strength of 3DR? To my latest information, every 3DR support rep is in fact registered in the forum.
But keep in mind that they don’t only deal with the forum. They also handle email support through the official support addresses as well as telephone support.