3DR Solo "Did not request items from ground station"

Hi all,

My senior design class is related to drones and we have been using a 3dr solo paired with qgroundcontrol to fly autonomous & repeatable missions for our multispectral analysis of farms and such. Previously, (late february-ish) i was able to fly missions perfectly. Recently, when i have attempted to upload new missions i have been receiving:

Mission transfer failed. Retry transfer. Error: Vehicle did not request all items from ground station. MISSION_REQUEST

I have googled previous similar issues and attempted what they advised to no avail. Could this be an issue with the latest update? If it is any help, i am using the android version thru my Google Pixel 3. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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This sort of thing can happen when you comm link connection is reall noisy. But that wouldn’t change QGC version to QGC version. Turn on console logging for PlanManagerLog using these instructions: https://docs.qgroundcontrol.com/en/SettingsView/console_logging.html. Then go through the same steps where the upload fails. Save the console log test. Put it someone where and link to it here.

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Thanks for the quick reply. Having trouble finding where/if this .txt file is saving on my phone. I am clicking “save app log” after i follow the instructions you linked to but am not finding the .txt i am saving in any file folders or on the Log Download (if it is supposed to appear there). I seem to be getting a repeating message in the log

[D] at /home/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/AnalyzeView/LogDownloadController.cc:499 - “Request log entry list ( 0 through 49 )”

as if the log is trying to find a file to download to but not succeeding at finding the location. Am i doing something wrong?

Log Download are vehicle logs which are not what you want. Console logs are QGC application logs. There should be a QGroundControl folder on your device. Under that is a Logs directory. It will be in there.

Hopefully this works.


Let me know if you cant get this to open – i can try a different way.

It said I had to request permission which I did.

Just gave you permission now


What firmware are you running on the Solo?

I still can’t download the file.

Sorry Don – Im pretty sure i gave you access this time. I believe if i did it correctly you should see an email saying i gave you permission.

Ok, my guess is that you have no QGC->Solo direction comm traffic going through. Can you do things like change the flight mode from the toolbar? Or arm the vehicle from the toolbar?

Just checked – i am running the most recent firmware which is 2.4.2


I was able to switch through flight modes using the toolbar and i was able to arm and spin the motors in “stabilize” mode (without propellers of course). However, the vast majority of modes i was not able to arm in and the code was like a simple “failed to arm” code. If you would like, i can record another log and send you this.

So that is ArduCopter 3.2 / 3.3 era firmware from 5 years ago. @DonLakeFlyer I wonder if there’s a compatibility issue now?

OK, then it’s not what I think it is. From the console log I can see the mission protocol failing:

[D] at /home/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/MissionManager/PlanManager.cc:54 - ""writeMissionItems T:Mission count:" 4"
[D] at /home/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/MissionManager/PlanManager.cc:987 - "_setTransactionInProgress "T:Mission" 2"
[D] at /home/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/MissionManager/PlanManager.cc:107 - ""_writeMissionCount T:Mission count:_retryCount" 4 0"
[D] at /home/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/MissionManager/PlanManager.cc:523 - ""_handleMissionRequest T:Mission sequenceNumber" 0"
[D] at /home/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/MissionManager/PlanManager.cc:541 - ""_handleMissionRequest T:Mission sequenceNumber:command" 0 16"
[D] at /home/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/MissionManager/PlanManager.cc:523 - ""_handleMissionRequest T:Mission sequenceNumber" 0"
[D] at /home/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/MissionManager/PlanManager.cc:535 - ""_handleMissionRequest T:Mission sequence number requested which has already been sent, sending again:" 0"
[D] at /home/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/MissionManager/PlanManager.cc:541 - ""_handleMissionRequest T:Mission sequenceNumber:command" 0 16"
[D] at /home/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/MissionManager/PlanManager.cc:523 - ""_handleMissionRequest T:Mission sequenceNumber" 0"
[D] at /home/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/MissionManager/PlanManager.cc:535 - ""_handleMissionRequest T:Mission sequence number requested which has already been sent, sending again:" 0"
[D] at /home/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/MissionManager/PlanManager.cc:541 - ""_handleMissionRequest T:Mission sequenceNumber:command" 0 16"
[D] at /home/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/MissionManager/PlanManager.cc:523 - ""_handleMissionRequest T:Mission sequenceNumber" 0"
[D] at /home/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/MissionManager/PlanManager.cc:535 - ""_handleMissionRequest T:Mission sequence number requested which has already been sent, sending again:" 0"
[D] at /home/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/MissionManager/PlanManager.cc:541 - ""_handleMissionRequest T:Mission sequenceNumber:command" 0 16"
[D] at /home/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/MissionManager/PlanManager.cc:523 - ""_handleMissionRequest T:Mission sequenceNumber" 0"
[D] at /home/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/MissionManager/PlanManager.cc:535 - ""_handleMissionRequest T:Mission sequence number requested which has already been sent, sending again:" 0"
[D] at /home/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/MissionManager/PlanManager.cc:541 - ""_handleMissionRequest T:Mission sequenceNumber:command" 0 16"
[D] at /home/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/MissionManager/PlanManager.cc:523 - ""_handleMissionRequest T:Mission sequenceNumber" 0"
[D] at /home/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/MissionManager/PlanManager.cc:535 - ""_handleMissionRequest T:Mission sequence number requested which has already been sent, sending again:" 0"
[D] at /home/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/MissionManager/PlanManager.cc:541 - ""_handleMissionRequest T:Mission sequenceNumber:command" 0 16"
[D] at /home/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/MissionManager/PlanManager.cc:705 - ""Sending T:Mission error" 1 "Vehicle did not request all items from ground station: MISSION_REQUEST""
[D] at /home/travis/build/mavlink/qgroundcontrol/src/MissionManager/PlanManager.cc:987 - "_setTransactionInProgress "T:Mission" 0"

because the vehicle keeps asking for mission item 0 over and over (and over again). QGC eventually gives up since the protocol sequence is so out of whack. So if the QGC->Solo comms are good then something seems to be screwing up on the Vehicle side.

I know there are other Solor folks out there using 4.0 without seeing this. Strange.

It going to take a little bit for me to brush the dust of my Solo and see what happens.

No problem. Honestly my college is about to close down for two weeks due to the recent virus so no real rush on this end.

Thanks for looking into this for me!

@DonLakeFlyer Any update on this for me?

Can you try a acouple things for me:


I tried this using my desktop to the same result. I took a quick snip of the log to show you the problem, i can redo and send the log to you if need be:

I also used the previous version through my android and the upload was successful. I went ahead and shared the file with you, the link to the log is here:


Can also redo that log if you need specific filters applied.