3dr services need to be updated

All of a sardine my tower will not start. Error message pops up ‘3dr services need to be updated’

I’m running the latest version. 1.4.1

Have tried uninstalling everything and re-installing ( both tower and services ) Nada!

Has been running successfully for several weeks. Lots of flying done.

Massive high pressure over the UK. Clear skies, little breeze, time available from real work and … ( all but ) grounded! ( :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Any ideas?

BTW platform is a hudl 2

[quote=“nimbusgb”]All of a [color=#BF0000]sardine[/color] my tower will not start. Error message pops up ‘3dr services need to be updated’

BTW platform is a hudl 2[/quote]
[color=#000000]Holy mackrel something fishy about this - sorry couldn’t resist.

Wish I could help but have not seen that.[/color]

Sorry old family joke.

It’s like ‘automagic’, another family favorite from my kids a long, long time ago! :slight_smile:

My favorite is ‘Stupidsize’ ( supervise ) which at times when dealing with some people is extremely appropriate!

I’ve just sorted out a nice bracket and mount to get my Hudl attached to my Taranis Tx and now the thing has stopped working! aaaaaargh!

I just bougth a nice bracket too, but I’m not going to install in case… :mrgreen:
Did you try the beta vers?

I am running the beta. The problem is that although tower updates to the latest beta it does not drag services to the latest beta as well. Services updated yesterday via a direct link and it now appears to work.

Back in business! :slight_smile: