3DR DIY Quad

So I have a 3DR DIY Quad from this year, and it won’t stay up, just refuses to balance and unsure why. I have a Taranis controller that I love loaded a known good configuration. I have made sure to calibrate the ESCs, did the all at once method. and have built the quad as the directions show, went through mission planner and have done the calibration and setup. Is there any common issue that happens or any thing else I need to be careful of when taking off with it, Unsure if I am supposed to take off slow or fast, or if that even matters

What size battery do you have? I could not get off the ground with anything lower than 5000mah, that thing weighs a lot. I don’t think it was designed as a X4 Quad but rather to X8. I am pretty sure this was an after thought.

I have both a 6000 and a 4200, have had the same issue with either one

What flight modes have you tried? Is the battery centered as to not knock the copter off balance?

Is the quad build stock build? When calibrating compass, did you make sure to select Pixhawk/PX4 and not external compass (for APM). You can always write us at help@3drobotics.com to check out flight logs as this might be a simple tuning issue.