3DR Aero Glider Possibilities

Hello forums!

This is one of those “I’m new here so help me out…” questions; I was wondering if there’s a way to initiate the autopilot on an Aero without involving an engine. By not having the engine, the hope is that I can reduce the weight of the plane to make it less than 6 pounds, limiting the amount of weight required to make it an unmanned aircraft (propulsion system, 6+ lbs.).

The limit of 400 feet then vanishes, allowing my team to attach it to a weather balloon to go up to about 90k feet. from there i want to drop it to the ground, but still use the APM Planner software to guide it somewhat to a point.

What I am wondering is, is there a way to take the engine out of the software but still be able to engage the elevator, alierons and rudder?
Also, will all of this function at high altitude? I really need some help on this, so hopefully your responses are prompt and serious. Going in and coding is optional, and there are probably a million ways to do this, I’m just looking for the most logical way. Thanks! :smiley:

  • Parker H.

the LOHAN project as reported on The Register uses a Pixhawk theregister.co.uk/Wrap/lohan/

specifically theregister.co.uk/2013/12/04 … 2_pixhawk/

There was also a team in Texas that uses an APM to fly back from a balloon decent. It should be on DIYDrones.com as blog post