3DR 433 Telemetry Problem Command failed to execute

Hi everyone! I have a Mateksys F765WSE FC, a set of 3DR telemetry modules and Arduplane firmware. In one moment, telemetry refuse to execute the command. Getting the orientation parameters is fine. I swap telemetry module, checked all the wiring, but the telemetry cannot get a signal from the GCS to the aircraft. When I press the relay or want to change flight mode - nothing happens and becomes the next message:

**The Command failed to execute **.
System TimeoutException : Timeout on read - doCommand s Mission Planner MAVLinkInterface . < doCommandAsync > d_194 . MoveNext ( ) в C : \ Users \ mich1 \ Desktop \ CubePilot Mission Planner \ ExtLibs \ ArduPilot Mavlink \ MAVLinkInterface.cs : cTpоka 2541 — Kонеч трассиовка стека из предыдушеrо pасnoложения , где возникло исключение B System.Runtime . Exception Services . Exception Dispatchinfo.Throw ( ) B System.Runtime.Compiler Services . TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccess And Debugger Notification ( Task task ) Extensions . < > c_DisplayClass1_0`1 . << AwaitSync > b_0 > d.MoveNext ( ) в C : \ Users \ mich1 \ Desktop \ CubePilot Mission Planner \ ExtLibs Utilities \ Extensions.cs : Cтpоka 113 — Kонеш трассиоовка стека из предыдушего расположения , где воиникло исключение — B Mission Planner.Utilities . B System.Runtime . Exception Services . Exception Dispatchinfo . Throw ( ) B System.Runtime.Compiler Services . TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccess And Debugger Notification ( Task task ) B Mission Planner . Utilities . Extensions.AwaitSync [ T ] ( Task 1 infunc ) в C : \ Users \ mich1 \ Desktop \ CubePilot Mission Planner \ ExtLibs \ Utilities Extensions.cs : very 116 B Mission Planner.Controls . RelayOptions.BUT Low_Click ( Object sender , EventArgs e ) в

Those telemetry modules are bidirectional.
What is the command?
What is the firmware version?

Thanks for answer!
Telemetry module is bidirectional 3DR 433MHz. Before it work normally in both directions. At one moment it stopped working in the direction of signal transmission from the ground station to the aircraft. In other way it work normally with 100%RSSI.
Command to change Flight Mode, Select Relay from Low to Hight (switch from one camera to other);
Firmware “arduplane_with_bl.hex” FC Mateksys F765WSE
Mission Planner 1.3.77 build 1.3.8110.38294