3D accell calibration requested at each boot

Arducopter 3.5.5

I have recently replace the original 3DR Gps with a new one from Mrobotics, Neo-M8N Dual Compass LIS3MDL+ IST8310, but find out the the two compass do not work with the original Pixhawk version 2.4 .
First I tried to install a Zubax Gps but for unknown reasons the barometer and the compass did not work.

So finally I install again the Mrobotics Neo-M8N with an external compass, the well known MHM5983 .
GPS work fine, compass calibration perfect.
It flies very well .

The problem: At each boot I receive a message asking for a new 3D accell calibration

Another weird thing is that before taking off , the status led is green , when I start the motors it goes red and yellow, a message appears on MP saying , something like “switching to EKF 1” then the led returns green.
I do not know if it is related with 3D accell calibration request.