3.5 rc 9 switch to Pos hold fail

I give a try with new beta with the 270 robocat and pixracer updating from rc8 to rc9 and only change I did, roll autotune.
I fly a lot this guy, commonly in pos hold (my favorite for FPV) and today for the first time with rc9, from tree flights, two of them Post hold fail to engage, something new firm related it´s possible? or something PWM fails with my Rc?

Hi @cala2,

I had a quick look at the logs and take-off happened before the EKF had a good position estimate (although the GPS had lock, the EKF wasn’t happy with the quality yet). it got it later in the flight which is why you were able to switch to PosHold later on.
So I think it was doing the correct thing.

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Thank´s Randy to take a look, now I have two copters with rc9 so time to fly. :slight_smile: .