2" quadcopter with FullHD FPV

While mainly working on bigger copters, I decided to build a tiny one to fly indoors. It is definitely not suitable for FPV racing because of the range and video latency but is pretty just for casual flights for pilots like me.
At first I tried to use iNAV but later switched to ArduCopter and managed to tune it somehow, so now stabilization is acceptable for me.


  • 2 inch propellers
  • 80g weight w/o battery and 125g with 2S 0.95mAh
  • ~7 minutes flight time
  • ~70m range
  • ~100ms video latency
  • 1080p30 video camera (streaming only)
  • WiFi-based digital data link

Quadcopter components:

  • iFlight TurboBee 99R (seems to be discontinued)
  • Airbot Omnibus F4 Nano V6.1
  • HAKRC 15A 4In1 2-4S BLHeli_S
  • SunnySky R1102 8000KV
  • HQPROP T2X2X3 2020 3-Blade
  • Turnigy 950mah 2S 25~50C
  • NLK-2MP07 camera
  • VoCore2 single board PC

Ground/RC components:

  • FrSky X-Lite Pro
  • Custom-made SBC
  • Samsung S21 for telemetry/video output


Care to share your tuning experiences! I am about to give up on a 1S 105g 3" build. I cannot tune it for the life of me!

I can not recall entire process since it was long time ago, I only remember that I had to decrease P value a lot. Anyways, I hope my params will be helpful for you.

3_ardupilot_toothpick_2030_OK.param (14.9 KB)

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Great work Iā€™m gonna look more into that Wifi HD fpv setup ā€¦ looks impressive ā€¦ btw if the app on your smartphone allowes for VR view then you can use one of those vr goggles (SMARTPHONE VR GOGGLES)with your smartphone just plop your phone in and enjoy FPV flying ā€¦

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ALTHOLDALTHOLD mode, what is the height flapping amplitude, roughly in what range

About a meter, if I remember correctly.