2.0.19RC4 - Compass on HUD + Video don't show degree angles

Ubuntu 14.04LTS 64bit.
APM Planner 2.0.19 RC4 (fcb7c175-2.0.19-rc4-16-gfcb7c17) build with Qt5.4.2.
When I connect Pixhawk in the “new” HUD where I can use the Video component the compass seem locked on 0° N and it doesn’t rotate / show the correct degree angles.
If I open the widget PFD OLD I can see all the information and the rotation of the Pixhawk.


It’s fixed (you’ll need to pull the changes), there are other issues with video as it’s ‘experimental’ branch, but I don’t have time to fix at this moment. You should be able to view the video now though and see the indicators move.