i have a IRIS+ and i am having some issues, it has the PIXHAWK controller on it, and i use Mission planner.
i have looked thru the forum here, but i do not know what category i should post in. i am guessing i should be in one of the copter forums, but i don’t know which one… all i can say is i have the latest MP update.
once i know where i am best to post at, i’ll post my main issue…
Hello dac: if you think your issue is related with your firm or calibration you can choose your firm vers and post here: http://discuss.ardupilot.org/c/arducopter
If is related with your Pixhawk hardware post here: http://discuss.ardupilot.org/c/hardware-discussion/pixhawk
If your copter isn´t flying well but not shure why; post here to analize your log: http://discuss.ardupilot.org/c/log-analysis-and-tuning/log-analysis-copter
If related with Mission planner post there.
Remember always describe your problem, describe your setup and don´t forguet to share the log with your issue. Try to choose a title that brief describe your problem ,Good luck.
thanks for your reply, the issue i have is, when i updated the MP, i accidentally clicked the default setting button to load the parameters for my copter. the default was the wrong parameters… so i went back to try to load the correct ones, but i do not know which one i need… there is a few different ones.
but the issue messed up my camera Gimbal control… no control over it now… and i don’t know about the flight controls now… it shows 2 different IRIS+ param. in the list… one is just IRIS+ PARAM, and the other is a
IRIS+ AC34 Param… i tried the standard IRIS+ Param. but i still have no control of the gimbal.
i did not see my version of copter to post in… i’m just confused at this point, everything worked fine before i updated the MP…
as for logs i don’t know how to access them or save as a copy…
if you can advise me better where to post i’d appreciate it…
Perhaps you can post here: http://discuss.ardupilot.org/c/log-analysis-and-tuning ; how to tune again an iris.
Or here: http://discuss.ardupilot.org/c/ground-control-software/mission-planner ; How to rescue to your original config.
You can rescue your params from older logs: Im not shure if you can do it automatically from Mission planner so ask there but manually you can do it like this:
remove the sd card from the iris and look for an older Log where Iris fly well.
Open with Mission planner, —review logs----At the left side you can roll that column and you can find the params with their values and copy them manually.
It´s safe that when your copter is flying well, to save params that you find the button in the Full params list.