$15 360 degree XV proximity lidar

that code hasnt changed since the last time you used it so it has to be a hardware or ardupilot setting.

This is a 4K video of this thing on top of a rover balance bot with recent firmware and MP:

(some kind of FPV from onboard camera on balance bot, which is driven along the house looking at the transmitted video on a screen (no latency); marks with tape on the floor help driving)

No problems related to the rover firmware or MP. Red circles, red and yellow radars and Mavlink Inspector distances appear at the upper left .tlog capture.

As a curiosity, when the balance bot passes beside the fridge the compass is clearly affected:

There are some mumetal pieces attached on it that reduce the effect, but I had no more mumetal pieces. Anyhow, no effect while driving.

As seen, virtual GPS coordinates (from wheel encoders) appear on the hud, but not on the OSD.


what lidar is that, it looks like a Delta 2A?

Surely. This was the order.
Being heavy, it took me time to stabilize the balance bot.

what code are you using?

Ok, I have checked my wiring, but it seems to be ok. I also checked all the parameters, but they also seem to be set correctly. But the lidar is still not showing up on the mavlink inspector or anywhere else… i dont know where to look for the problem anymore… The most im suspecting for now is the firmware and its options…

does the led change colour when it starts?

yes, it does. As the lidar starts up it spins slowly, and after around a second it speeds up and then holds constant rotation.

what flight controller and port are you using?

have you tried connecting directly to the lidar with a usb serial to verify its outputting mavlink data? mission planner should connect to it directly using usb serial using ctrl+T

I am using a SpeedyBee F405 WING flight controller with 1MB memory.

as for the direct connection, do you want me to connect the RP2040 to my computer and look at the serial monitor? if so, I haven’t did that, and i will check it now.

didnt you have this issue before?

it seems that its not the same issue. Now, I don’t have any “communication” with the lidar at all.

Could you please tell me how to connect the lidar to the computer directly to check if its sending the mavlink packets correctly?

just connect a usb serial adapter to the mavlink serial out that the flight controller connects to,

have you got the serial port set to mavlink 2 at 1500?

can you share your parameters?

Ok, I will connect the adapter tommorow and i will see what is happening…

Yes, my serial port (serial 1) is indeed set to mavlink 2 at 1500 baud

Here are my parameters:
parameters111.param (17.5 KB)

are you sure you dont have rx tx reversed? Parameters look ok. It should work, I recently set up one on my rover with an old pixhawk that was updated to the latest ardupilot firmware. That only leaves some kind of wiring issue.

Ok, so i was busy, but now i am back at it.

I have connected the USB to serial adapter to my lidar, exactly to the TX and RX pins of the RP2040, but i dont really know how to check if its sending the mavlink data. Which program shoud I use?

Any serial monitor, arduino or putty.

what baud rate should i set and what should be showing up?

1500,000 and you should see what looks like random characters scrolling.