13kg VTOL yaw uncontrollable

Good day.
We have a Carbon fibre VTOL with T-motor v505 kv260 motors and Hobbywing ESC’s.
Running latest firmware. Every time on takeoff it yaw’s to the left. No yaw control when using the RC yaw stick. Recalibrated everything. YES the motor and prop order are as per Ardupilot docs and mission planner motor test.
bin file: 2025-02-13 10-38-48.bin


I had a suspicion about missing I gain on yaw, but it is set.

Just to make sure:

  • Propeller rotation direction also correct?

My initial guess (no photos,…):
Propellers are not angled correctly to help the yaw direction with thrust change.

Two of your motors are basically at minimum throttle all the time.
So the PID is doing something, but either your motor assignment is not correct or they are just angled in the wrong direction for favorable yaw control.


Prop direction is correct according to Ardupilot. Motor assignment is correct according to Ardupilot.
All motors are tilted inwards 5deg.


i think that might be wrong.

It also depends on your arrangement.
QUAD H has a different rotation direction than the others.

You have type 1 = Quad X selected.

That should be fine, but i think with the given rotation direction the top of the motor has to point outward.
Please double check this with torque and thrust direction.

But on a Quad x. if i get i correctly, if you want to yaw left, then motors 3&4 have to spin up according to the torque they produce.
If the thrust should help, both have to point outwards.